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Rito (1)

Submerged object struck HM COASTGUARD informed the honorary secretary of Filey lifeboat station at 2048 on Tuesday December 20, 1983, that the coaster Rito was in difficulty three miles north east of Filey Brigg.

Water was flooding into her engine room after she had struck a submerged object; she had lost her engines and her crew of four were preparing to abandon ship. Filey's 37ft Oakley lifeboat Robert and Dorothy Hardcastle launched from her carriage at 2100 and set out on service under the command of Coxswain Frank Jenkinson.

The evening was overcast but clear with a strong breeze, force 6, gusting to near gale, force 7, blowing from the south east. It was four hours after high water and there were heavy breakers in the launching area.

Once clear of the beach surf thelifeboat made full speed to clear Filey Brigg and head for the casualty. A radio message from Rito at 2115 reported that she was still making water in the engine room and her pumps could not clear it.

She also reported that she intended to drop anchor. A Wessex helicopter from RAF Leconfield arrived over head at 2117 but Rita's crew did not want to be winched off in the prevailing conditions.

The wind had risen to near gale, force 7, and the sea was rough with a 15 feet south-easterly swell. The tide was setting north at one knot.

When the lifeboat arrived a few minutes later, at 2124, she found Rito lying at anchor, head to sea and wind, with a list to starboard of 15 degrees.

The area was being illuminated by the helicopter and by MV Rorahead which was about three quarters of a mile to seaward, trying to give some lee.

Coxswain Jenkinson circled round the listing coaster, looking for the best approach and checking floating debris with his searchlight. At 2129 the captain of Rito asked that his crew be taken cff; he said he would remain on board. As, with the casualty lying head to sea, there was no lee, despite Rorahead's efforts, Coxswain Jenkinson decided to come in on Rita's port side. The starboard side of the lifeboat was fendered up and three crew members were stationed along that side, attached by safety lines, ready to receive the seamen.

Second Coxswain/Mechanic Graham Taylor manned the engine controls so that the coxswain could concentrate on steering.

The heavy head seas made a slow approach or lying alongside without damage impossible. A first run in was made at 2139. This approach, however, was found to be too fine, with the head seas breaking over the bow of the lifeboat and pushing her towards the casualty. Successive approaches were then made with the lifeboat clearing to port each time. It took seven approaches before the first man was taken off at 2148. The second man was taken off after two more runs and the third after another five runs at 2157.

The captain of Rito said that he wished to remain aboard his ship, and Scarborough's 37ft Oakley lifeboat Amelia launched at 2158, with Coxswain Ian Firman in command, to stand by the casualty and free Filey lifeboat to land the other three men. At 2205 VHP radio contact was lost with Rito but within eight minutes the helicopter had put a portable VHP set aboard the coaster. At 2245 Rita's captain agreed with the Coastguard that he should be taken off, so Filey lifeboat started another run in at 2251. As she came close a heavy breaking sea swung the lifeboat round and her stern struck the side of the casualty with some force.

The lifeboat cleared to port and took off the captain on a second run at 2301.

Filey lifeboat, now joined by Scarborough lifeboat, set course for Scarborough Harbour. The two boats arrived at 2354 and landed Rita's four crew. After a break for a hot drink, Filey lifeboat set off for her own station at 0044 on Wednesday December 21. She wasbeached safely at Filey at 0218 and was rehoused and once again ready for service at 0313.

Scarborough lifeboat stayed afloat for the rest of the night, and the next afternoon stood by while Rito, still listing, was towed into Scarborough by a local fishing boat.

For this service the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum were accorded to Coxswain Frank C. Jenkinson of Filey lifeboat. Vellum service certificates were presented to Second Coxswain/Mechanic Graham V. Taylor, Assistant Mechanic Laurance Goodlad, Second Assistant Mechanic Bruce W.

Jenkinson and Crew Members Colin Haddington, Barry T. Jenkinson and Kenneth J. Rennie..