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Port Talbot (Aberavon Beach)

Port Talbot (Aberavon Beach) crew and station officials are photographed with their new D class inflatable lifeboat on Saturday March 24, the day she was officially handed over. The lifeboat was the gift of Port Talbot Round Table 335 and seen standing near the lifeboat's engine wearing a ceremonial chain is their chairman, Royston Fry. In true Round Table tradition, the money was raised in many original ways, not least a row from The Mumbles and playing Star Wars. Also in chain of office is Mayor of Afan, Councillor Ray Morgan, and behind him, Mr Raymond Cory, a vice-president of the RNLI who accepted the lifeboat on behalf of the Institution. As a gesture of appreciation of the day the Mayor and Mayoress spent with the officers and crew of Port Talbot station, he invited them a few days later for an evening at the Mayor's Parlour, where they were royally entertained. photograph by courtesy of the Borough of Afan.

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