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Lifeboat People

In support of the City of Edinburgh lifeboat appeal to fund a 47ft Tyne class lifeboat for Fraserburgh, The Lord and Lady Provost of Edinburgh visited Fraserburgh on April 13 and were taken afloat in the station's present lifeboat, the 48ft 6in Solent R. Hope Roberts.

During the visit a £2,000 cheque for the appeal was presented by Norman Cowan, Convener of Banff and Buchan District Council.

Councillor Owen Roberts, second coxswain/mechanic of Pwllheli lifeboat, has been elected Mayor of Pwllheli. For the past 18 months Councillor Roberts has been acting coxswain while Coxswain William McGill has been absent following an injury. At a supper dance organised by the Lizard-Cadgwith ladies' guild in December, the branch chairman, Laurie Francis, presented an oil painting to 771 Squadron of RNAS Culdrose. The gift was accepted for the Squadron by its commanding officer, Lt-Cdr Robin Everall, who commended the bravery, dedication and professional skill of lifeboat crews. The picture which is of the Lizard-Cadgwith lifeboat exercising with a Wessex helicopter was painted by the former branch honorary secretary, Bill Kennedy.

* * * It is with deep regret that we record the following deaths: May 1983 Frederick George Crutchfield, motor mechanic of Swanage lifeboat from 1963 to 1970 after serving as reserve mechanic from 1957 to 1963.

March 1984 The Right Honourable The Dowager Countess of Airlie, president of Montrose ladies' guild from 1935 to 1982, during which time she practically never missed a meeting. Lady Airlie was awarded the gold badge in 1965 and honorary life governorship in 1982.

Sidney Cann, BEM, coxswain of Appledore lifeboat from 1933 to 1965 after serving as bowman from 1922 to 1931 and second coxswain from 1931 to 1933; in all he served in the lifeboat for 53 years. Mr Cann was awarded the bronze medal in 1944, a bar to his bronze medal in 1950 and the silver medal in 1962.

Arthur Dick, Bridlington station honorary secretary from 1967 to 1983. Mr Dick was awarded a Public Relations statuette in 1972 and a barometer in 1978.

Charles Edwin Shackson, fleet mechanic at Clovelly from 1949 to 1966 after serving as a part time mechanic from 1936 to 1949.

William Stewart, coxswain of Buckie lifeboat from 1948 to 1962.

April 1984 Mr D. D. Cockayne, honorary secretary of Selsey station branch from 1965 until his death; he was awarded binoculars in 1976 and the gold badge in 1984.

Captain Christopher C. L'Estrange, honorary secretary of Sligo branch from 1975 until his death; he was awarded a silver badge in 1984.

Mrs Eileen Nicholas, widow of the late Coxswain Henry Nicholas who had served on Sennen Cove lifeboats for nearly 50 years. When Sennen Cove ladies' guild was formed in 1962, Mrs Nicholas, who had already helped the branch for many years, became the founder chairman. In 1972 she was elected to be honorary vice-president.

Coxswain John Sugrue, coxswain of Valentia lifeboat from 1958 to 1969. Mr Sugrue, who first joined the crew in 1948, served as bowman from 1953 to 1955 and as second coxswain from 1955 to 1958.

May 1984 Mrs J. Carter, chairman of Carshalton branch. Mrs Carter, who had previously been a lifeboat collector, joined the branch committee when it was formed in 1947 and had worked for it ever since, serving for some years as assistant honorary secretary and then as honorary secretary. She was awarded a chairman's letter in 1958, the silver badge in 1960 and the gold badge in 1970.

William Richard Chapman, coxswain of Filey lifeboat from 1963 to 1967 after serving as bowman from 1949 to 1958 and as second coxswain from 1959 to 1963; he first joined the crew in 1930.

Mrs G. C. Graham Doggart, who had worked for Selsey station branch for 44 years, serving as a committee member for 33 years and as flag day organiser for 38. Mrs Doggart, who had been chairman of the branch since 1964, was awarded the gold badge in 1952, a bar to her gold badge in 1962 and honorary life governorship in 1973.

Herbert C. P. Marfleet who retired as the Institution's accountant at the end of 1972. He had joined the RNLI in 1923 at the age of 16 and served for nearly 50 years.

Alfred William Payne, coxswain of Weston-super-Mare lifeboat from 1948 to 1970 after serving as second coxswain from 1938 to 1944 and in 1947; he first joined the crew in 1933. Mr Payne continued to give active help on shore at the station after his retirement.

Archibald Young Smith, second coxswain of Arbroath lifeboat from 1952 to 1954 after serving as bowman from 1949 to 1952; he first joined the crew in 1936.

Mr Smith was the only survivor from the crew of the lifeboat which capsized in 1953; he immediately said he was ready to take his place once more in the lifeboat.

Edward Robert Smith, bowman of Aldeburgh lifeboat from 1955 to 1967 after serving as bowman of the No 2 boat from 1954 to 1955. Mr Smith, who first joined the crew in 1928, also served for many years as a shore helper.

June 1984 Mrs Bonella Farrant, wife of Major- General Ralph Farrant, a former chairman of the Institution. Mrs Farrant, who was lifeboat week organiser of Wareham and district branch for a number of years and who frequently accompanied her husband on lifeboat occasions and official visits, was widely known and loved for her kindness and consideration. In 1982 a relief 52ft Arun class lifeboat was named RNLB Ralph and Bonella Farrant and the naming ceremony was performed by Mrs Farrant at Poole..