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The Naming at Cowes of Rnlb Sir Max Aitken Ii

ON THURSDAY FEBRUARY 23 STORNOWAY'S NEW 52FT ARUN LIFEBOAT WHEN PRINCESS ALEXANDRA named the new Stornoway lifeboat on Thursday February 23 it was a doubly historic occasion for, almost 30 years before, her mother the Duchess of Kent, President of the RNLI, had named an earlier Stornoway lifeboat. However, Princess Alexandra did not have quite so far to travel because for the second time in three years The Prospect, West Cowes, harbourside home of Sir Max Aitken on the Isle of Wight, was the setting for the ceremony and it was the second 52ft Arun class lifeboat to be provided by the Beaverbrook Foundation, of which Sir Max is chairman.

Coxswain Malcolm MacDonald and other lifeboatmen from Stornoway were aboard the new Arun while representatives from Stornoway's station branch and ladies' lifeboat guild were among the guests; it was Mrs K. Hardy, president of Stornoway ladies' guild, who presented Princess Alexandra with a posy, on her arrival. When he opened the proceedings, Lord Robens, a trustee of the Beaverbrook Foundation, said it was . . .

'... an honour and a great pleasure to welcome Princess Alexandra.' and Lady Aitken said that she was . . .

'Very proud indeed to present the new lifeboat to the RNLI.' The Duke of Atholl, chairman of the Institution, accepted the lifeboat 'with great gratitude' and handed her over to the care of Stornoway lifeboat station, whereupon the honorary secretary, Captain A. M. Mackenzie said, 'This wonderful new boat will enable our crew to carry on their work with even greater efficiency.' The service of dedication which followed was conducted by the Reverend Richard Parker, Vicar of Holy Trinity Church, Cowes, and Rector of Northwood, assisted by the Reverend Brian Day, West Cowes Methodist Church, and also the Reverend Father Timothy Williamson, Parish Priest, Roman Catholic Church, Cowes. The music was by courtesy of R. J. Coleman.

On being invited to name the lifeboat, by Lord Robens, Princess Alexandra replied, 7 was delighted to be invited to name this new lifeboat as I have the highest admiration for lifeboatmen everywhere . . . I am sure that this new lifeboat will serve Stornoway well and I know that everyone at the station must be very grateful to Sir Max Aitken and the Beaverbrook Foundation for their generosity.

'It gives me great pleasure to name this lifeboat Sir Max Aitken II.' After meeting Coxswain MacDonald and other crew members, the Princess went for a short trip in the new boat.

The jaunty Highland music played by Piper I. W. Purkis may have surprised passengers on the passing hydrofoil and Red Funnel ferry but it did much to dispel the cold effects of a stormy winter afternoon. Before returning to the mainland by helicopter the Princess met many guests during an informal tea party.

A re-dedication ceremony for its new lifeboat will be held at Stornoway later in the year.—H.D..