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A Motor Boat

Open boat swamped TYNE COASTGUARD reported to the honorary secretary of Sunderland lifeboat station at 1659 on Saturday September 10, 1983, that a small boat was in difficulties a quarter of a mile inside the south pier. It was a squally afternoon with a strong breeze, force 6, blowing from north north east. The sea was rough with a seven foot swell.

The crew were alerted and at 1712 Sunderland's 47ft Watson lifeboat William Myers and Sarah Jane Myers launched under the command of Coxswain Anthony Lee. The casualty, an open motor boat which had been swamped, was sighted within two minutes and by 1719 the lifeboat had reached her and taken off the two boys who were on board.

The motor boat was towed into port and made fast at West Wall. The lifeboat was rehoused and once again ready for service at 1749..