The Naval Club
YOUR CLUB IN MAY FAIR if you join THE NAVAL CLUB Founded by RNVR Officers at the end of the last war. The Naval Club in Mayfair welcomes Members of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION.
•fr Accommodation for 30 from £11.50 (incl. English Breakfast).
•& Double bedrooms for husband and wife from £30.
•fr Elegant Restaurant and Bars where guests may also be entertained.
•& Special arrangements made for members' private parties.
•fr UK Membership subscription £80 (incl. VAT) per annum.
NO ENTRANCE FEE FOR RNLI MEMBERS Write now for copy of Year Book and joining details from: THE GENERAL SECRETARY 38 Hill Street, London W1X SOP TELEPHONE: 01-493 7672.