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Newstead Publishing (1983) Ltd


•& Designed to a convenient 19" x 13.5" size, these exclusive, detailed fine art prints are available either as a complete set at £17.50, or as individual prints at £4.95, inclusive of VAT, post and packaging. They have been especially commissioned by the publishers, Newstead Publishing (1983) Ltd,, from Michael Whitehand, fast establishing a reputation as one of the country's leading marine artists.

Not only are these prints worthy of pride of place for any collector of marine works of art or indeed in any home - they are also likely to prove an excellent investment opportunity.

MICHAEL JAMES WHITEHAND Marine Artist DAWN ANCHORAGE Two ships of the line a three-decker and tivo-decker lie at anchor in the bay.

IATTLE OF FLAMBOROUGH HEAD A mtric an frigates in action in the celebrated battle of h'lawborough Head.

fitttn tn firt(Hint lon,on tht 1'uikshtre coait, in 1941, Michael 'hilrhand howtd outstanding artirtie ability during hii . ctituil tears, and developed his .iAi ,» and leehniqiiti ii/ii/r rn-ing in tht RAh'.

/ taring Ike .Mr Farce kf rnoifdla (.urnu all and pawled alongside his elder btuthtr uht had alitady established himself as ajinr Marine Artist.Inspiredfy fit ,! !, broihrr hr began to take a keen interest in M/inn, and Srawape / ai»tiac ami ;un fascinated by the fine wooden fighting shifts of the Nelson Era.

M V/A an e len ii-f kmarledge of painting snips, jcoi and iJcwa ofallmands and description, he relumed to his native ffridlinglon where he opened a small gallery andpieture jranring business.

Marine Scene* by Mifhael 'hiithandart increasingly in demand, and hang in galleries and homes in Australia and America ai u-ell as in liritain, Holland, (ltrman and France.

FRENCH ENCOUNTER .1 hnrt, sharp action comes to an end as a British tuo-decker comes up to gift the coup-de-grace to her French opponent.

DESPATCHES FOR THE FLEET .1 tufts'! flu t /ift bustlestdtwith despatches for the flagship.

ORDER FORM ORDER FORM To Newstead Publishing (1983) Ltd, 4 Windmill Road, Loughborough, Uicestershire LEI 1 IRA I wish to purchase D the complete series LJDairn Anchorage LJ/vrwA Encounter 3ftatlle ofFlamborOUgh Head l3l)e!,patchesjbrthe Heel for drliirn Tick appropriate box Name HUM K ( rl I [ •- Address .

Cheque P O No. . for Overseas customers add £ per order for additional despatt h « si.