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IT is ALWAYS pleasing to report that one of our Shoreline clubs has been actively involved in fund raising. Such a club is No 8 at Peterborough which, in conjunction with the local RNLI branch, ran a very successful SOS day in Ferry Meadows on Sunday July 10. There were a number of static displays and demonstrations by various of the emergency services, but the main attraction was an air-sea rescue demonstration by a USAF Woodbridge Jolly Green Giant helicopter from the Ferry Meadows lakes. The final figure raised was £2,013. The success of this event has encouraged the organisers to undertake a similar venture in 1984. I can thoroughly recommend it as an interesting and enjoyable day for the whole family, so make a note in your diary now for July 8 next year.

From Peterborough we next go round the world to Hong Kong. Last April the newly-formed Hong Kong RNLI branch held a social evening for Shoreline members living in the area; I understand that it was well attended and a most enjoyable evening. The branch invites any Shoreline member planning a visit to Hong Kong to get in touch either with Mrs D. P. Wilson, D4 Fairmont Gardens, 39A Conduit Road, Hong Kong (telephone 5-469766) or Mrs Helga McPhail, A2 Fulham Gardens, 84 Pokfulam Road (telephone 5- 877283). You can be assured of a very warm welcome.

* * * It would appear that the older our members get the more active and keen they become! This June, Mr A. V.

Fradley of Stafford, a young 70, undertook a sponsored walk on our behalf covering 20 miles round his parish boundary. The total amount he raised, £55, was handed over to our regional organiser for the Midlands, Richard Mann. Well, done, Mr Fradley.

* * * A letter from another of our members, Mrs Doris Pearce, who admits that she and her husband are 'getting on in years', brought with it a donation of £18. Mrs Pearce keeps a box into which go all her half pennies - and the half pennies of her friends. That added up to £6. The remaining £12 was contributed by her husband who, when he goes to bed, empties his pockets and puts all the Ip and 2p pieces into a tin. Mrs Pearce writes, 'We shall continue to support you in the wonderful work you do . . .' * * * In previous editions of the journal I have mentioned Geoff Threadgold who runs The Horns public house in Gnosall, a very small village in Staffordshire.

He is, and has been for a long time, a very keen supporter of Shoreline and I understand that most 'regulars' visiting his hostelry have become members of the RNLI. Now Geoff is also honorary secretary of Gnosall branch which, formed last year, has already raised well over £1,000 - much of it, they say, coming from the 'swear box' in the pub. The flag now proudly flying outside The Horns and its pole were made entirely by branch members.

Earlier this year we were intrigued to hear of a race horse named Shore Line.

Was there any connection, we asked her owner, Robert Barnett of Belfast? He told us that, although the name of his three-year-old filly has no connection with the RNLI, he and his family are lifeboat supporters and that one of the directors of his company, John McAuley, is station administrative officer of Donaghadee lifeboat station.

Shore Line won the Elveden Maiden Stakes at Newmarket in the spring and has been placed once since then. We send her good wishes and shall watch her future progress with interest.

One letter which we were sorry to receive came from Mrs M. Storey.

Apparently she and her husband enjoy visiting lifeboat stations, but on a recent visit to Spurn Point they came across some unexpected problems; first they were asked for an entry fee to the point and then were told they could not take in their dog. Perhaps I can explain, and also let other Shoreline members wishing to visit this busy station know the position.

Spurn Point is owned by the Yorkshire Naturalist Trust and is a very special bird sanctuary, for which an entrance fee is charged. Also the Trust has a strict rule that no dogs are allowed into the sanctuary. I am, of course, very sorry that Mr and Mrs Storey were disappointed, but this is something beyond our control.

* * * Every new member who enrols is, indeed, very welcome to Shoreline and it would be impossible for me to mention everybody in this page. I am sure, however, that members will be interested to hear that the famous actor Peter OToole has joined our ranks as a life governor, through our Kenilworth branch. Our good wishes come to you all.—PETER HOLNESS, membership secretary, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ..