Contents 0 0 254 Lifeboat Services 256 "I7r.|1irn_ A/T 7TTT Fourteenth International Lifeboat Conference, Gothenburg, by Ray Kipling, V UlUIIlC yV-L V ill Public Relations Officer, RNLI 262 Number 485 What are lifeboats made of?, by James Paffett, RCNC CEng FRINA HonFNi FRSA, Chairman of the Technical Consultative Committee 264 Naming Ceremonies, handing over and dedications 267 Chairman: T H E DUKE O F ATHOLL _ i r i i U A I n » - » » » j u - r r Barrow to Poole: log by Alec Moore, Assistant Mechanic of Barrow „. . lifeboat station 271 Director and Secretary: REAR ADMIRAL W. J. GRAHAM, CB MNI Best Efforts, by F. R. Davies .- 273 Newmarket Charity Race Day 274 Obituary 274 Shoreline 275 Edltor. Here and There 276 JOAN DAVIES Books 277 Headquarters: Some Ways of Raising Money 279 Royal National Lifeboat Institution, West Quay Roadp Poole Dorset BH15 L]feboat Seryi March A 0 and M 19g3 285 1HZ (Telephone Poole (0202) 671133).
Telex: 41328.
Letters 287 London Offices: Royal National Lifeboat Institution index to Advertisers 288 202 Lambeth Road, London SE1 7JW (Telephone 01-928 4236)..