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A Sailing Dinghy

Capsized dinghy A SAILING DINGHY which had capsized against Brighton eastern marina breakwater was reported by the marina security to the deputy launching authority of Brighton lifeboat station at 1758 on Sunday June 19. The station's Atlantic 21 rigid inflatable lifeboat Lions International —District 105SE launched a minute later manned by Helmsman Mark Tyler and Crew Members Anthony Crawford and Roger Cohen.

The evening was fine with a fresh breeze, force 4, blowing from east north east. The sea was slight and it was about \l/2 hours before high water.Arriving at the casualty at 1805 the lifeboat found that a man and a youth were in the water against the breakwater.

They were quickly pulled aboard and the boy was placed in a survival bag for the return passage. The two people were landed at the marina where an ambulance was waiting and then the lifeboat returned to recover the dinghy because if left where she was she would have been a hazard to navigation.

The Atlantic 21 was back on station at 1833 and was refuelled, rehoused and once again ready for service by 1850..