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Here and There

IND COOPE and the Co-op have run a joint promotion in Scotland to raise funds for three D class lifeboats for service on Scotland's coasts. The first of the three, to be stationed at Stranraer, was handed over last March in George Square, Glasgow, by Bob Thomson, marketing manager for the Co-op, to The Lord Provost Dr Michael Kelly, president of Glasgow branch, and Lt- Cdr Cargill S. Sandeman, chairman of the branch, a member of the Scottish Executive Committee and also a member of the Committee of Management.

With them for the ceremony were Steve West, home director, Ind Coope Alloa Brewery, Surgeon Rear Admiral I. H.

Colley, a member of the Committee of Management, Chief Superintendent MacKenzie and two crew members from Stranraer.

To raise the money, most Co-op stores in Scotland took part in a scheme by which for every marked ring-pull from cans of Ind Coope beers and lagers placed in special bins, the Co-op contributed 2p to the fund.

Twentieth anniversary In the spring issue of THE LIFEBOAT was recorded the twentieth anniversary of the introduction in 1963 of the D class inflatable lifeboat into the RNLI fleet. A mistake, however, was made in the total number given for people rescued by all lifeboats under 10 metres since 1963. The figure was given as nearly 12,000; it should have been just over 11,000..