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RNLB SHORELINE, the 37ft 6in Rother class lifeboat funded by our Shoreline members which was stationed at Blyth from 1979 until last year, has now been transferred to Arbroath, on the east coast of Scotland; she was placed on service at Arbroath on December 17, 1982. A re-dedication ceremony is planned for April and it will be reported in the next issue of the journal. In the meantime, I know that you would all wish to join me in thanking Blyth lifeboatmen and station branch for the care they have taken of Shoreline over the past four years and in wishing all who sail in her from Arbroath God speed and a safe return to port.

* * * It was good to see many of our members at the London Boat Show in Earls Court last January. Not all of you who visited the show found us, I suspect, because this year the RNLI stand was somewhat off the main thoroughfare.

It was disappointing that, being in a quiet area, we were not able to keep up the splendid enrolment record of the past few years: over 1,000 new members each Boat Show. Nevertheless, it is to the resounding credit of our stalwart voluntary Shoreline team that, overcoming any drawbacks, they still managed to sign on 737 new members; less than we have come to expect from the London Boat Show, maybe, but a splendid effort in the circumstances.

And they made good sales of insignia, too. Thank you, our team.

We are sorry that Jim Mead, one of our most loyal supporters, was unable to be with us this year because of ill health. He was sadly missed. We hope you are feeling better, Jim, and we look forward to seeing you back at Earls Court in 1984.

Shoreline Club No 11 was inaugurated in Dorchester last February. Any member interested in joining in its social events should write to Bill Rook, 22 Overcombe Drive, Weymouth, Dorset. Everyone will be made most welcome.

Perhaps it is time to have a round up of all our other ten clubs, with the names and addresses of the honorary secretaries, for the benefit of new Shoreline members and also those members of longer standing who have mislaid this information: Club No 1, Portsmouth: Jack Chantler, 78 Cosham Road, Cosham, Portsmouth, Hampshire. Club No 2, Eastleigh Area: Mrs Pauline Rowe, 90 Buriton Road, Harestock, Winchester, Hampshire.

Club No 3, Southend-on-Sea: Mick Holland, 83 Walsingham Road, Southend-on-Sea, Essex.

Club No 4, Milton Keynes: Denis Horgan, 172 Bradwell Common Boulevard, Bradwell Common, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire.

Club No 5, Leeds and District: Mrs M. A. Hill, 26 Crowther Avenue, Calverley, Pudsey, West Yorkshire.

Club No 6, Basildon: Mr J. Froom, Burford Lodge, 164 Stock Road, Billericay, Essex.

Club No 7, Scarborough and Filey: Mr J. Parker, 47 Cornelian Avenue, Scarborough, North Yorkshire.

Club No 8, Peterborough: Stanley Meadows, 16 Valance Road, Orton Waterville, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.

Club No 9, Hastings: Mrs P. Rooney, 1 Marine Parade, Hastings, East Sussex.

Club No 10, Coventry: Malcolm Simms, 25 Moor Street, Coventry, West Midlands.

Shoreline Club No 8 and Peterborough branch are organising an Emergency Services Day from noon to 5 pm on Sunday July 10 at Ferry Meadows, off the A605, Oundle Road, Peterborough. Ferry Meadows is a large National Park where all the family can enjoy the day and there is a camping and caravan site. The main attraction will be a full scale air-sea rescue demonstration by helicopter from one of the lakes and there will be static displays and demonstrations by Cambridge Police with Police Divers, the Fire Services, St John Ambulance, RAF Coltishall, HM Coastguards and the RNLI. Information from Malcolm Smith, 49 Gloucester Road, Old Fletton, Peterborough PE2 8BH (Telephone 0733 60802).

Pirates they may be—but with hearts of gold! They are the members of the Pirates Cruising Club of Epsom, and, of course, Shoreline members, who generously added their pieces of eight to the other more conventional prizes for a raffle in aid of the RNLI held at the club's annual 'noggin and natter' in December. The raffle raised £153.

Thank you, pirates.

Another of our members, Walter Cox of Wimbledon, is a model railway enthusiast. During the past two summers he has held an open day in his garden, inviting the general public to have a look at his efforts. So far he has raised £330 for the RNLI. A third open day is planned for this summer, so any members who are in Wimbledon on July 3 will be welcome to call at 40 Nelson Road.

Each year, in Shoreline, we set ourselves a target. In 1983 we hope to reach—and pass—100,000 membership.

To help us attain this magic figure I am asking all of you to go out and persuade one of your friends to join our ranks; if you can also persuade your new recruit to covenant his or her subscription, so much the better. 1982 was the best year we have ever had; 1983 could be even better with your help and support. The regular source of income from Shoreline subscriptions is of great importance to the lifeboat service in these days of ever-increasing costs.

Thank you again for your continuing help over many years, and we send our best wishes to all our members and their families for a very happy summer.— PETER HOLNESS, membership secretary.

RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ..