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Down to the Last Detail: a Model of Rnlb Ruby and Arthur Reed

EVERY PIPE, every cable, even the oilcan and the radio telephone instructions, all to scale, can be found in a beautiful and meticulous model of Cromer's 48ft 6in Oakley lifeboat which was presented to the Institution last December. Building was begun, some years ago, by Mr Joakim Paulson-Linnekogel of Norway but sadly, before he could complete his model, he died. Knowing his wish that the model should go to the RNLI, his relations arranged for it to be shipped to England with all the parts not yet assembled and. luckily for the Institution, Frank Turland of Parkstone, a semi-retired graphic designer, took on the task of completing Mr Paulson- Linnekogel's work.

For three years Mr Turland spent all his spare time working on the model, with some expert advice from a neighbour, Coxswain/Mechanic Frank Ide of Poole lifeboat. Like Mr Joakim Paulson- Linnekogel before him, Mr Turland visited Cromer to look over the original Oakley lifeboat and study the layout and fittings in detail. To give some idea of the amount of time each tiny operation took, on one evening he spent from 6pm to Sam putting a bottle screw on the chain guardrail. The bow pudding fender was made by Mrs Turland.

After spending so many hours studying the handiwork of his Norwegian 'partner', and taking the work to completion.

Mr Turland felt that for him, Mr Paulson-Linnekogel had become an old friend.

One Wednesday last December, Mr Frederik Paulson-Linnekogel. brother of the original modelmaker, and his wife, on a visit to this country fron Norway, and Mr and Mrs Turland all met at Poole HQ, where the amazing replica 48ft 6in Oakley lifeboat made bytwo outstanding and quite unusually skilled craftsmen, was received for the Institution by the deputy director. Lt- Cdr Brian Miles..