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Arthur and Reit Billitt

Arthur and Rcil Billitt, well known through the television gardening programme Clack's Farm, have for many vears donated to the RNLI the proceeds from their car-park at Clack's Farm for one Sunday in everv summer month. They also allow Worcester guild to sell souvenirs on the premises on these Sitndavs. Since the beginning of this scheme the Billitts have been able to give a grand total of £4,890 to the RNLI.

Shown in the photograph (I to r) are Margaret Griffiths, chairman of Worcester guild. Pat Bradford, souvenir secretary, with her husband Mike Bradford, Deputy Captain of Canberra having just returned from the Falklands, and Arthur and Reit Billitt. Clack's Farm, which is near Droitwich, is open in 1983 from Mav until September..

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