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A Cabin Cruiser

Outboard failure A RED HANDFLARE from a cabin cruiser about two miles east of Cullercoats Harbour was sighted by Tyne Coastguard at 1232 on Sunday September 26, 1982.

Cullercoats lifeboat station was informed and at 1239 the D class inflatable lifeboat launched on service manned by Helmsman David Blackman and Crew Members W. Sneddon and Michael Smith.

It was a fine day with good visibility but the strong southerly breeze, force 6, was gusting to near gale, force 7. The sea was rough and it was nearly two hours after high water.

The lifeboat ran off to the east but was told by a fishing vessel that the casualty was not in her area. At this time another flare fired by the cabin cruiser was seen to the north east.

When the lifeboat reached the casualty, at 1250, she found that she was lying at anchor and that her outboard engine had failed; she had five people on board. The lifeboat took the boat in tow but, in the freshening wind, all attempts to free her anchor failed and it eventually had to be cut away.

The tow back to Cullercoats Harbour was made at slow speed with both boats taking on a good deal of water. They arrived at 1330. The cabin cruiser was beached; her crew, all very wet, werelanded and helped to get warm and dry before they returned home. The lifeboat was rehoused and once again ready for service at 1340..