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Aegis Insurance Services (Group) Ltd

Help yourself to a 9 5% discount ™ ** with a special RNU CRAFT INSURANCE by completing the form below now AT LLOYD'S) For a competitive yacht or craft quotation complete this form and return FREEPOST.

Name (Mr., Mrs., Miss) Price paid Date of Birth Age Occupation Address Present value : Hull machinery, equipment etc. £ Dinghy and/or Boat £ Outboard Motor £ Personal effects £ Tel. No. (Day) (Evening) Name of Vessel Type Date purchased Tonnage (T.M.) When built Builder's name Length O.A. L.W.L.

Beam Draft Material of hull Trailer (if required) £ TOTAL TO BE INSURED £ THIRD PARTY INDEMNITY in excess of the value, if so, for what amount? (The ordinary policy limits the indemnity in respect of claims by Third Parties to the insured value of the vessel). £ Make of Engine(s) Date State if marine engine/conversion/outboard Sail Area Do you wish to cover Mast, Spars, Sails and Rigging whilst racing? If so, give replacement value £ Do you require an excess in the policy: if so, for what amount? (i.e. .you bear the first so much of each claim) £ What cruising range is to be covered? Designed maximum speed Fuel used for main and auxiliary machinery Is Calor or other bottled gas used? If so, state material of delivery tubing What fire extinguishers are kept on board Where is the vessel moored when in commission? State period for which vessel is to be insured In commission months from to Laid up months from to Where will she be laid up? Will the vessel be laid up ashore? Q in mud berth? [j afloat? f] What accidents have you had during the past five years in connection with any vessel you have sailed or owned that would give rise to a claim ? Give particulars Are you entitled to N.C.D.

Use the FREEPOST service to return the questionnaire or send for your copy of the brochure for other insurance and financial services for supporters of RNLI HOUSE CONTENTS LIFE ASSURANCE CAR INSURANCE INVESTMENT/SAVINGS RETIREMENT PLANS To AEGIS INSURANCE SERVICES (GROUP) LTD., FREEPOST, Maidenhead, Berks SL6 5BU. Please send me, without obligation, my personal copy of the complete insurance and investment service brochure, No postage necessary if posted in the U.K. lam particularly interested in the following (tick box required).

PJ Family Protection/Life Assurance PJ Finances in Retirement Pj Household Insurance Premiums can be paid Pj Review of existing Life Assurance Plans PI Tax efficient Investment PJ Insurance of Valuables bY BarclaVcarii or Access PJ Investment for future House Purchase PJ Car Insurance PJ Please phone me to discuss Please ring for an appointment at any of our principal offices: Belfast 0232 47747 • Maidenhead 0628 23484 • Bristol 0272 297777 • Yeovil 0935 20044 . a Whatever your insurance and investment needs, AEGIS will advise you.