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BECAUSE of the growing interest in Shoreline clubs it has been suggested that we try to organise a general, countrywide get-together and, following a kind offer from Shoreline Club No 3, Southend-on-Sea, we are looking into the possibility of holding such a gathering at a holiday camp in Essex in 1983. It could be a very happy and most interesting occasion. Before we go anyfurther, however, we should welcome the comments of other clubs and members: first of all, what do you think of the idea itself? and secondly, have you any suggestions about the form such an "extraordinary general' meeting of this sort should take? Please write and give us your views so that we can get some measure of the support that might be expected and guidance as to the sort of programme our members would like. Many Shoreline members took the opportunity of visiting us during the Open Days held at the RNLI's headquarters and depot in Poole last July, and we were delighted to see you all. So many have since written to us, complimenting the RNLI on the organisation of the event and saying how much they enjoyed meeting members of the staff that it would be an impossible task to reply to each and every one of you.

Please, therefore, can I take this opportunity of thanking all of you who have gone to the trouble of writing; your comments are greatly appreciated.

* * * In order to save costs we are now printing all membership cards on the same backing form, whether the subscription is paid by cheque, by banker's order or by direct debit. Apparently, as a result, some confusion has arisen and if any inconvenience has been caused to you, please accept our apologies.

Perhaps I can explain a little more about the backing form.

For members who pay their subscriptions by cheque, the form is a reminder that their subscriptions are due.

Those members who pay by banker's order or by direct debit, on the other hand, will see stamped on their forms the words Tor information only'; for them the form is just a record that their subscriptions have been paid by their chosen method and no further action is required. All they need to do is to remove their membership card and destroy the backing form - unless, of course anyone wishes to increase his or her subscription or make a new deed of covenant. If changes of these kinds are to be made, the appropriate part of the backing form should be filled in and the form returned to Shoreline at Poole. This year, a number of you took advantage of the special holiday offers for our supporters arranged by Fred Olsen, some visiting the Dutch Bulb Fields and some visiting Canada; the letters I have received have left me in no doubt that both trips were much enjoyed by all who went on them.

There was one small hitch on the trip to Canada; the flight was delayed by industrial action and when the aeroplane touched down there was no courier to meet the party. Taxis were taken to the hotel and Fred Olsen, most apologetic, refunded all the taxi fares. Some of the holidaymakers then sent the amounts refunded to the RNLI as donations! For 1983, Fred Olsen is planning an Easter cruise to the Canary Islands in its liner Blackwatch, and for this cruise there are, once again, special holiday offers for our supporters. I can tell you from personal experience that you will be assured of a wonderful holiday which you will never forget. Full details can be obtained from D. Cooper, Fred Olsen Travel, 11 Conduit Street, London W1R OLS, or telephone 01-409 2019.

Each quarter we try to mention something of the many different ways our members find to help the RNLI. Here is a story I have just heard. Two of our members, Mr and Mrs Frank Ellis of Nottingham were preparing to go on holiday to Flamborough when they were told that a very good supporter of the lifeboats in that area and his wife had been taken ill and were disappointed that they would be unable to man the RNLI stand at Bempton village 'It's a Knockout'. Without hesitation, Mr and Mrs Ellis arranged to travel up from Nottingham a day earlier than they had originally planned so that they could undertake this task. That is true team spirit.

Shoreline Club No 9, at Coventry, organised a sponsored walk among its members and their friends and families on June 19. The £220 raised was donated to the local RNLI branch.

In the early part of 1981, David Hyde, a Shoreline member from Weybridge, Surrey, with the help of his son built a radio-controlled model of the Atlantic 21 rigid inflatable lifeboat.

While on holiday at Aldeburgh later that year they gave daily demonstrations on the model yacht pond, thus collecting £11 for the RNLI in a box provided by the local branch. The model lifeboat was even able to try several 'rescues' of dismasted model yachts! Just a footnote: I am afraid that the price of the Shoreline sweat shirt has had to be increased to £7 and the V neck sweater to £8.50. I am sure you will agree, however, that they are still very good value.—PETER HOLNESS, membership secretary, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ..