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Newbiggin's New Atlantic 21 Rigid Inflatable Lifeboat

Newbiggin's new Atlantic 21 rigid inflatable lifeboat was named Kirklees by Donald While on Saturday July 3. She was funded through the generous support of residents in the Kirklees Metropolitan area, Huddersfield, and among the 500 or 600 people who attended the dedication were many from Kirklees. The new Atlantic's engines were provided by the Octave Club of Eltand, the cost of the launching tractor was substantially defrayed by a bequest of Mrs L. E.

Morgan, of Sunderland, in memory of her husband, Captain Robert Morgan. The proceeds from Patrick Howarth 's book Lifeboat—In Danger's Hour were donated by the author, former RNLI public relations officer, towards the cost of establishing the Atlantic at Newbiggin..

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