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Lifeboat People

Among the awards announced in the Birthday Honours list were: Knighthood David English, Editor in Chief, Associated Newspapers, Editor Daily Mail. Sir David was a member of the Institution's Public Relations Committee from 1977 to 1979.

Peter James Frederick Green. As Chairman of Lloyd's, Sir Peter is an ex-officio member of the Institution's Committee of Management.

James Gordon Robson, CBE, Professor of Anaesthetics, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, University of London.

Sir Gordon has been a member of the Institution's Medical and Survival Committee since 1980.

KCVO Lt-Cdr Peter Richard Buckley, cvo, RN, Private Secretary to HRH The Duke of Kent, President of the Institution, and HRH The Duchess of Kent.

CVO Lady Mary Katherine Fitzalan- Howard, MVO. Lady Mary has been the very active president of Shoreham lifeboat society since 1967 and president of Shoreham station branch since 1977.

BEM Robert Henry West, coxswain of Sheringham lifeboat. Mr West joined the lifeboat crew in 1946, became second coxswain in 1951 and coxswain in 1963. He was awarded the long service badge in 1982.

* * * Coxswain Michael Scales of St Peter Port, awarded the gold medal for the service to Bonita on December 13, 1981, has been invited to attend the 'Men of the Year' luncheon at the Savoy Hotel on November 10.

* * * William Hawkins, chairman of Portsmouth (South) branch, a lifelong seaman and former lifeboatman, has the engrossing hobby of collecting maritime cap badges of shipping companies, harbour authorities and ancilliaries such as pilots, tugs and ferries. For each such cap badge sent to him, other than the standard MN cap badge, he will donate £3 to any nominated RNLI branch. Mr Hawkins' address is 2 Redcar Avenue, Copnor, Portsmouth PO3 6LE. Ninety years ago, in 1892, a 14-yearold girl Evelena Todd wrote a poem about the lifeboats to enter for a newspaper song competition, but she was unable to find a composer who would set her words to music.

Early this year her daughter, Mrs Lesley Shrimpton, gave the poem to Dover branch. Mrs Margaret Wegener of Herne Bay was approached. She accepted the challenge with enthusiasm, composed the music for the lifeboat song, scoring it for band parts, and its first performance was given at a concert by Canterbury Brass in Herne Church on April 3. A complimentary ticket was sent to Mrs Shrimpton, who was overjoyed to hear her mother's poem sung after so many years. It is with deep regret that we record the following deaths: June Duncan McCallum, BEM, motor mechanic of Campbeltown lifeboat from 1935 to 1970, after serving as assistant mechanic from 1933.

Mrs E. Wood, JP, vice-president of Skegness ladies' guild since 1978. Mrs Wood became a member of Skegness station branch committee in 1958 after working for Skegness lifeboat comforts fund for about ten years. She convened the inaugural meeting of the ladies' guild in 1960, serving as honorary treasurer from then until 1966 and again from 1968 to 1978; she had always helped to organise flag days, taking full control in 1970. Mrs Wood was awarded the silver medal badge in 1982.

July Robert McMullan, coxswain of Portrush lifeboat from 1964 to 1974 after serving as second coxswain from 1940 to 1963. He was awarded the bronze medal in 1961.

Col W. J. M. ROSS, CB QBE MC TD DL JP, president of Kircudbright station branch since 1966. Col Ross had also served as a member of the Scottish Executive Committee since 1974.

August Joe Hutchinson of Hinderwell, a dedicated collector at Runswick Bay who during the past 25 years has collected thousands of pounds for the lifeboats.

Donations from family and friends of the late Mrs Kathleen Havercroft, a committee member of Poppleton lifeboat luncheon club, Yorkshire, amounted to £140.46..