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Fairey Allday Marine

Our formula for export success- BUILD BETTER BOATS Fairey Allday Marine Limited is the United Kingdom's most versatile builder of small craft.

Fairey Allday craft are in service in the UK with the Royal Navy, Army, Ministry of Defence, Police, H.M.

Customs and Excise, Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), various port authorities, and commercial operators. They are also in service with military, governmental and commercial «— organisations in twenty-five countries throughout Europe, Africa and the Middle and Far East.

1 9 8 2 1980 Fairey Allday Marine Allday Aluminium A Fairey Holdings Company Marine Fairey Allday Marine Limited Hamble. Southampton SO3 5NB Tel: (042 122) 2661 PATROL The 20m Tracker - one of a range of fast patrol boats from 9m to 30m that are in regular service at home and overseas.

COMBAT SUPPORT The CSB a versatile craft in increasing demand for bridge erecticx , inshore patrol, diving support, min Haying and ferrying.

SEARCH/RESCUE A prototype self-righting lifeboat of new design now undergoing trials prior to service with the RNLI. -* MULTI-ROLE The Trojan - an all-aluminium workboat designed for a variety of military and civil roles, and able to operate independently of a quayside..