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A Speed Boat

RSPCA award ON WEDNESDAY AugUSt 12, 1981, Hlinstanton's D class inflatable lifeboat was called to a speedboat which, unoccupied except for a dog, was spinning round and round out of control off South Beach. The man who had been driving it had fallen over the stern after the water skier he had been towing had also fallen; both had been recovered from the water before the lifeboat arrived. With great difficulty. Crew Member Arthur Osborne was put aboard the speedboat, brought it under control and landed both the boat and the dog, a spaniel, safely on the beach.

For this service, which was reported in the spring 1982 issue of the THE LIFEBOAT, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has awarded a certificate of merit to Helmsman Alan J. Clarke and Crew Members Arthur E. Osborne and John Connors..