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A Sailing Dinghy (1)

Dinghy and canoe A SAILING DINGHY with two boys on board capsized in a fresh south westerly breeze, force 5, about three miles west north west of Redcar lifeboat station on Saturday May 22. The D class lifeboat launched at 1612 manned by Helmsman Paul Wilson and Crew Member David Cocks. They found that one boy had been helped ashore by a canoeist; the other had righted the dinghy but could not sail it in the increasing wind. The.

boy was taken aboard the lifeboat and the boat taken in tow. It was then found that the canoeist was also having difficulty making headway, so this boy and his canoe were taken into the lifeboat.

The two boys were safely landed, with their boats, at 1630 and the lifeboat was rehoused by 1715..