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Aegis Insurance Services (Group) Ltd

Start here for 20% SPECIAL MOTOR INSORANCE DISCOUNT SCHEME in addition to your No Claim Discount.

Complete form below to obtain these benefits Free Protected No Claims Discount. This means that your maximum discount (60%) will be retained even in the event of two claims being made or arising under the policy in three consecutive years.

Free Green Card available for the first period in any one year, not exceeding 30 days.

-Jf Free unlimited fixed car radio and/or cassette equipment cover.

•%. With comprehensive insurance free unlimited windscreen and window cover - without loss of No Claims Bonus.

Free automatic extension to indemnify any member whilst using their vehicle on R.N.L.I. business.

•& Premiums can be paid by Barclaycard or Access.

Name (Mr., Mrs., Miss) Date of Birth Address Excess Any Driver D Insured and Spouse D Owner only driving D Insured & one named DriverQ Existing Insurers and Renewal Date Tel. No. (Day) (Evening) Age Occupation Driving Experience UK. Full Licence? (How Long?) Claims Experience and/or any special terms VEHICLE Make HPorCC Type Year of Make Value Reg. Letters & Nos.

OTHER DRIVERS Any Convictions or Endorsements? Dates and Fines Name Address Any Physical Defects? Is car garaged at night? Use of Vehicle Any N.C.B. earned? Type of cover required? Age Occupation Driving Experience Accidents Convictions Use the FREEPOST service to return the questionnaire or send for your copy of the brochure for other insurance and financial services for supporters of RNLI HOUSE CONTENTS LIFE ASSURANCE YACHT INVESTMENT/SAVINGS RETIREMENT PLANS To AEGIS INSURANCE SERVICES (GROUP) LTD., FREEPOST, Maidenhead, Berks SL6 5BU. Please send me, without obligation, my personal copy of the complete insurance and investment service brochure. No postage necessary if posted in the U.K. I am particularly interested in the following (tick box required).

n Family Protection/Life Assurance Q Finances in Retirement £j Household Insurance [j Please phone me Q Review of existing Life Assurance Plans Q Tax efficient Investment Q Insurance of Valuables to discuss F] Investment for future House Purchase Q Car Insurance Qj Yacht and Craft Insurance Please ring for an appointment and see us at any of our principal offices: Belfast 0232 47747 Maidenhead 0628 23484 • Bristol 0272 297777 Sheffield 0742 364405 • Yeovil 0935 20044 £• | H •• H Whatever your insurance and investment needs, AEGIS will advise you H H.