Quire Demy Ltd
•X- Support the RNLI in Maritime Year Jammer Super Thermal Wear the sale of which will benefit the RNLI Jammer Super Jacket Specifically designed for water sportsmen. Three materials 'fused'. So, you're warm, weatherproof and condensation-free.
Generous length; deep pockets; pill proof in normal use.
£27.45 incl. VAT p £1.75 extra.
Jammer Waistcoat (right) Practical and stylish addition to the yachtsman's locker, for the many days when a i sweater alone won't *-* suffice. Made to high Jammer standards in 50% acrylic, 50% polyester.
£14.45 inrl. VAT, p&p£l.50extra Both styles in navy with navy and yellow rib and logo.
To: Quire Demy Ltd., 4 Milton Road, West Kirby, Wirral L48 SEX Tel: 051-625 1663.
Please send me the following garments (Tick garment required. Give size details as shown).
JAMMER SUPER JACKET Please state chest size from 34 to 44.
JAMMER WAISTCOAT M Tick size required.
I enclose my cheque/P.O. for .. ..
made payable to Quire Demy Ltd.
Or debit my Credit Card No Name (BLOCK LETTERS PLEASEI Address Allow 28 days for delivery.