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Obituary It is with deep regret that we record the following deaths: November Mrs Pat Lang, membership secretary and wife of the chairman of Totton branch. Mr and Mrs Lang both joined the branch in 1975, a year after the branch was formed. Although confined to a wheelchair, Mrs Lang continued to work for the RNLI right up to her death, despite severe disabilities.

December Mrs Tessa Anderson, a member of Hepworth and Scholes ladies' guild for 25 years and honorary treasurer for 13 years. In Mrs Anderson's memory £165.50 was donated to the guild in lieu of flowers.Samuel Coles, who was a founder member of Poole fund raising branch and was secretary from 1946 to 1969. In 1955 he also became station honorary secretary of Poole lifeboat station, a post he held until 1969. Mr Coles was awarded a gold badge in 1970 and was elected a vice-president of the branch in 1976.

Mrs Constance Noyce, who was president of Andover and District branch.

Mrs Noyce began collecting for the RNLI in 1914 and was secretary of the branch from 1927 to 1971, when she became chairman. Mrs Noyce was awarded the gold badge in 1950 and a bar to the gold badge in 1966. In 1972 she was made an honorary life governor of the Institution and in 1977 she was one of the lifeboat voluntary workers to receive the award of the Queen's Silver Jubilee Medal.

January Lt-Cdr D. A. Ramsay, QBE DSC RN who had been a tremendous supporter of Princes Risborough and District branch and served as chairman for more than ten years.

February Walter Jonas Oxley, coxswain of Walton and Frinton lifeboat from 1947 to 1964, after serving as bowman from 1930 to 1936 and second coxswain from 1936 to 1946. Coxswain Oxley was awarded the bronze medal in 1939 and a bar to his bronze medal in 1964.

Angus Scott, coxswain of Lochinver lifeboat since 1973. Mr Scott joined the crew in 1967.

Knowle and Dorridge ladies' guild received £750 donated by family and friends in memory of Christopher Snushall of Knowle, Warwickshire..