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Knocked head A FISHERMAN was sorting fish on Courtmacsherry Pier on the afternoon of Tuesday June 30, 1981, when he lost his footing and fell into the river, hitting his head on the sloping stone face on the way down and losing consciousness.

Although it was a fine, calm day a strong tidal stream was swirling round the pier.

Two young men, Larry Dineen and Donal Traynor, immediately jumped into the water but they were unable to hold the fisherman up and themselves go into difficulties.

Second Coxswain/Mechanic Brendan Madden was on board the relief 46ft 9in Watson lifeboat William Gammon, on temporary duty at Courtmacsherry, occupied on routine cleaning and maintenance duties. He heard shouts and came on deck to see what was happening.

He immediately sprang into the boarding boat and rowed rapidly across to find the fisherman floating face down close to the pier. Unable to pull him right into the boat, Brendan Madden dragged him half over the transom andheld on to him until another boat came to his assistance. Meanwhile, one of the teenage rescuers hung on to the boarding boat while the other was subsequently recovered by the second boat.

On landing the fisherman on the pier, Brendan Madden first gave him resuscitation and then continued to take care of him until an ambulance arrived. After ten days in hospital, the fisherman was once again home and well.

For this service letters of appreciation signed by Rear Admiral W. J. Graham, director of the Institution, were sent to Second Coxswain/Mechanic J. Brendan Madden, Larry Dineen and Donal Traynor..