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Shoreline Service I read with interest the report on page 10 of the winter issue of THE LIFEBOAT, concerning the beaching of the Prince Ivanhoe at Horton, off the Gower, South Wales. I was on holiday and happened to be returning to the beach in my inflatable at the time. I therefore witnessed the complete occurrence from the time Prince Ivanhoe sailed into Horton Bay prior to striking the underwater obstruction, until the tide all but covered her funnel.

At the moment of beaching, I was within 100 yards of the Ivanhoe, passengers were already on deck wearing life jackets and two, if not three helicopters were overhead. Such was the speed and efficiency of the emergency services.

At the request of the RAF winchman who had been lowered on to Prince Ivanhoe from a helicopter, together with another inflatable, I assisted by making two trips to shore towing liferafts containing some 50 passengers.

Conditions were such that there was ample time for the rescue but it is reassuring to know that both RNLI lifeboats and the RAF helicopters are mobilised and co-ordinated so quickly, which would have been vital had the captain of the Ivanhoe not been able to return the half mile or so to the beach.—j. N. RABSON, Shoreline Member, Hunts Hill Cottage, Naphill, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire.

Help from young people At the naming ceremony of Shoreham Harbour's new Rother class lifeboat The Davys Family last October, the route for HRH Princess Alexandra was lined by 110 young people who over the years have given outstanding help to the lifeboat service in the Shoreham area. They were representatives of two Brownie packs and three divisions of the Nautical Training Corps.

Ruslip Brownies have adopted Shoreham Harbour lifeboat station and have raised more than £100 for it in each of the past four years alone. Kingston Buci Brownies, Shoreham, are the holders of the Shoreham Sponsored Walk Trophy and have raised £359 for the lifeboat by taking part in the last two annual sponsored walks.

TS Attentive NTC (Southwick) was the founder of NTC/RNLI Liaison and has helped the lifeboat service for 21 years, including offering the use of its headquarters for RNLI functions. TS Intrepid NTC (Lancing) provides collectors for Lancing flag week, and has taken part in the last three sponsored walks for the RNLI. TS Zealous NTC (Brighton) also takes part in the sponsored walk and helps with collections in Brighton; its divisional band has been paraded in Shoreham in the past four years. In the past two years the three divisions have raised £710 for the Shoreham lifeboat.

In the same period, the 18 NTC divisions which support NTC/RNLI Liaison have raised £10,111.24 for the lifeboat service, regardless of the fact that the Corps itself has had severe financial problems.—HARRY MCGILVRAY, NTCI RNLI Liaison Officer, 2 Croft Drive, Portslade, Sussex.Salcombe At the Baltic Exchange Charitable Society's annual 'cereals' dinner last December, the guest speaker was Bill Budgett, chairman and honorary secretary of Salcombe and Hope Cove branch; it is at Salcombe that the 47ft Watson lifeboat The Baltic Exchange is stationed. So enthralled was the audience that when Bill sat down, although he had not asked for a penny, the money began to pour in. Each table gave their 'stakes' on private 'length of speech' sweepstakes; other gifts followed and the total was an amazing £529.70.

A few weeks later Salcombe lifeboat crew raised another £651 at their own dance, held at Thurlestone Hotel.

Centenary Weston-super-Mare lifeboat station has been awarded a centenary vellum on the occasion of its 100th anniversary in 1982. As part of its centenary celebrations, Weston-super-Mare has launched an appeal with a target of £25,000 to fund an Atlantic 21 lifeboat. A number of special events have been held and £12,000 has already been raised.

Weekend breaks Four unusual weekend breaks are being arranged through the RNLI Scottish office: at Harrogate, Telford, Edinburgh and Stoke-on-Trent. Details of the special programmes planned, and the address for booking forms can be found on page 38 - £5 will be donated to the RNLI for every holiday booked.

Bronze medal service Prints of a drawing by Trevor Parkin of the rescue on May 1, 1981 of two young fishermen by Cromer D class inflatable lifeboat are available price £1 including postage and packing from Mr T. G. R. Stibbons, 4 Rainton Court, Spalding. Lincolnshire..