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Teesmouth Lifeboat

Teesmouth lifeboat, the 47ft Watson Sarah Jane and James Season, was on passage to Hanlepool on August 16, 1981. under the command of Coxswain William Carter when she was informed b Tees Coastguard that the motor cruiser Marietta was (/rifling rapidly ashore off Skinningrove, her twin screws fouled by her anchor cable: seven people were on board. Staithes and Runswick 's A t/antic 21 lifeboat was launched on service and Redcar's D class inflatable, already out on exercise, also offered her help. Staithe's At/antic, under the command of Helmsman Sean Baxter, managed to get a line aboard the cruiser and hold her off the shore until Teesmouth lifeboat arrived. By this lime Marietta's owner had cleared one propeller. Teesmouth lifeboat then took the cruiser in low to Hart/epool while the other two lifeboats returned to their stations.

photograph by courtesy of Crew Member Ray Copeman.

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