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It is with deep regret that we announce the following deaths.

August The Earl of Bradford who had been president of Newport (Shropshire) branch since its formation in 1972.

September Norman Williams, honorary secretary of the fund-raising section of Llandudno station branch from 1979; he had played a large part in organising the special boathouse appeal at Llandudno which in 15 months had already raised £10,000.

November Laurence C. H. Cave, who had been elected a member of the Committee of Management in 1947, a vice-president of the Institution in 1964 and a life vicepresident in 1977; he had served on both the Finance and the Establishment Committees. For more than 100 years, one member or another of Mr Cave's family has served on the Committee of Management. His father. Captain Charles J. P. Cave, served for 45 years, being elected a member in 1905 and a vice-president in 1948, and his grandfather, Mr L. F. Cave served from 1880 to 1899. Other members of the family who were members of the Committee of Management were Sir Stephen Cave, from 1869 to 1880, and Admiral J. H.

Cave, from 1894 to 1913.

Mrs R. A. Reeks, a vice-president of Llandudno ladies' guild. As Mrs K.

Cave-Rogers she was honorary secretary to the guild from 1952 until 1972; she was awarded a statuette in 1955, the silver badge in 1963 and the gold badge in 1973.

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