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THE GLASGOW Lewis and Harris Association Cup, presented annually to the person or persons who during the year had done most to bring credit or honour to the island, was awarded last year to Coxswain Calum MacDonald and the crew of Stornoway lifeboat for the rescue of 29 members of the trawler Junella on September 29, 1980. For this service Coxswain MacDonald received the silver medal and the Maud Smith award, and the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum were accorded to Assistant Mechanic George Smith and Crew Members Kenneth Macdonald, John Maclennan and Malcolm Maclean.

* * * On July 18, 1981, the new Tattie Price Boathouse' was opened at Simon's Town, South Africa, in memory of Miss Pattie Price; a letter written by Miss Price to a newspaper after the loss of 17 men in a fishing disaster at Still Bay in 1966 led directly to the formation of the National Sea Rescue Institute of South Africa, of which she was an honorary life member. After the Second World War Miss Price launched an appeal in South Africa which funded three lifeboats for the RNLI; she was made an honorary life governor of the Institution in 1948.

* * * When Lord Haddington retired as president of Dunbar station branch last November he had held the office for no less than 64 years; a remarkable record of service to lifeboats.

* * * To commemorate English Maritime Year 1982, The History in Porcelain Company are producing two figures representing a lifeboatmen of 1882 and a lifeboatman of 1982. The figures have been designed and sculptured by Bernard Schwarz, the celebrated Worcester artist of Ashmor Fine Bone China; they will be hand cast in English Fine Bone China, fired in the kiln in the time honoured method of the British craftsman and finished by ceramic artists. Only 250 pairs will leave the kiln; when that total is reached the moulds will be destroyed.

Each will bear an individual number and the sculptor's signature; each will be accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by Rear Admiral W. J. Graham, director of the Institution and at least one medal winning coxswain. A royalty will be paid tothe RNLI on each pair of figures sold.

They can be ordered through the RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, or The History in Porcelain Company, High Street, Shoreham Village, Sevenoaks, Kent, from who further information can be obtained.

* * * 'Action Stations', a promotion organised by Seagrams with Captain Morgan Rum, aims to raise £20,000 to finance the fitting of low profile VHP aerials to 170 lifeboats. For every bottle of Captain Morgan Rum purchased with the special collar, Seagrams are donating 25p to the RNLI and the first cheque for £10,000 was presented by Alan Chant and Don Whintle of Seagrams to Cdr Ted Pritchard, then appeals secretary, at Swanage lifeboat station last October.

* * * In the past three years Martell has contributed at least £22,000 to the RNLI directly, in cognac for emergency .use in lifeboats, and indirectly in prizes for raffles which between them have raised more than £18,000.

* * * Crew members of 20 lifeboat stations in the south east enjoyed a dram of White Horse Whisky at Christmas thanks to the generosity of James P.

Young of San Francisco who each year sends 1,000 dollars for whisky to be distributed to a different group of lifeboat crews.

Liz and John Rankin of the 400-yearold Old Hall Hotel, Ruswarp, Whitby, have arranged special weekends introducing some of the maritime interests of the North Yorkshire coast, including visits to Whitby and Redcar lifeboat museums, to Whitby, Scarborough, Flamborough, Redcar and Teesmouth lifeboats and to the villages of RobinHoods Bay, Runswick Bay and Staithes. Author and local historian Shirley Knight will act as guide. The cost of the holiday from Friday evening to Tuesday morning with half board, inclusive of VAT and a donation to the RNLI, is £74 per person. Full information from Mr and Mrs Rankin..