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George William

Crab boat swamped THE KLAXON at the boathouse of Cromer's D class inflatable lifeboat was set off by Great Yarmouth Coastguard at 1213 on Friday May 1, 1981. "and the station honorary secretary and lifeboat crew, going immediately to the boathouse, were informed that the crab boat George William had been swamped and sunk off East Runton; her crew, two men, were in the water. The inflatable lifeboat was launched from Cromer beach at 1219 manned by Helmsman Clive Rayment and Crew Members Frank Muirhead and Christopher Craske.

The weather was fine with good visibility but a fresh to strong breeze, force 5 to 6, was blowing from north north east and there was a moderate to rough onshore sea with a moderate to heavy onshore swell. It was five hours before high water.

Working out through the surf the outboard engine was tilted to clear the ground, but even so the propeller still touched the bottom in the troughs.

Once clear of the surf, however, course was set for the casualty, a mile and a half to the west. Although maximum speed was maintained as far as possible, the engine had to be eased back on the bigger seas.

As she neared the casualty the lifeboat was informed by the Coastguard Land Rover on shore that the two fishermen were in the water 150 yards north east of East Runton beach.

Approach was made from the north through seas breaking in shallows over an offshore bank; the lifeboat then had to round the capsized crab boat and herfloating debris before heading back north, head to sea. to come up with the men in the water. One fisherman was hanging on to a lifebuoy, the other to a crab pot marker buoy. The lifeboat's engine was stopped and, by 1230, the two men had been brought safely aboard.

Both survivors were very cold and suffering from hypothermia, but Helmsman Rayment did not know East Runton beach and conditions were by nowdeteriorating; the breeze had risen to force 6 and the onshore sea and swell had both increased. So, rather than try to put the two men ashore at East Runton, Helmsman Rayment headed as fast as possible for Cromer's Fishermen's Beach while Crew Members Muirhead and Craske tended the survivors.

At 1237, following a large swell, the inflatable lifeboat was beached at Cromer where the two survivors were carried to a waiting ambulance. The lifeboat was refuelled and was once more ready for service at 1318.

For this service the bronze medal was awarded to Helmsman Clive R. Rayment and medal service certificates were presented to Crew Members Frank H. Muirhead and Christopher B.
