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The White Rose of Yorkshire (Right)

The White Rose of Yorkshire (right), escorted by the D class inflatable lifeboat, the Duke of Kent flew north to Staithes where he watched a demonstration launch and crash net recovery of the Atlantic 21 lifeboat. After visiting Redcar he went on to Teesmouth to embark in the 47ft Watson Sarah Jane and James Season for an exercise off the mouth of the River Tees in which Redcar's 37ft Oakley and D class lifeboats, and Harllepool's 44ft Waveney and Atlantic 21 lifeboats all took part. At each station the Duke of Kent met members of the crew and branch and other lifeboat people; in the photograph above he is seen being greeted by Staithes guild members in traditional bonnets.

photograph by courtesy of 'Whitby Gazette'.

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