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The Re-Opening of Penarth Lifeboat

The re-opening of Penarth lifeboat station and the handing over of the new D class lifeboat took place on the Esplanade on Saturday August 8. Vice-Admiral Sir Peter Compston, a deputy chairman of the Committee of Management, first received the security of tenure and the keys of the boalhouse from the Deputy Mavor of the Vale of Glamorgan, Council/or Mrs Susan Thomas, and then the lifeboat from her donor, Guy Pain (right, front). To raise the money. Guy Pain, although a diabetic, had successfully completed a 550-mile sponsored walk from Minehead to Poo/e. The lifeboat station and lifeboat were dedicated by the Assistant Bishop of Llandaff, The Right Reverend David Reece, assisted bv Bishop Daniel Mul/ins, the Reverend Hilary Col/ins and the Reverend John Gar/and.

photograph by courtesy of the "Western Mail and Echo".

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