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Temple Queen

Standing into danger A MOTOR CRUISER, Temple Queen, unsure of her position in a dangerous area just north of the entrance to Strangford Lough was reported to Portaferry lifeboat station by Belfast Coastguard at1900 on Sunday May 17. It was a fair evening but a strong breeze, force 6, was blowing from the south and the seas were rough.

Portaferry's Mark IV Zodiac inflatable lifeboat was launched at 1910 manned by Helmsman J. Desmond Rogers and Crew Members O. John Murray and William Reid. When, ten minutes later, the motor cruiser was reached it was found that her crew were exhausted and that she was standing into danger. Giving command of the lifeboat to Crew Member Murray, Helmsman Rogers himself boarded Temple Queen and piloted her in to Portaferry, escorted by the lifeboat. The two boats arrived alongside the quay at 1935.

The lifeboat was rehoused and once again ready for service at 1945.

For this service a letter of appreciation signed by Rear Admiral W. J.

Graham, director of the Institution, was sent to Helmsman J. Desmond Rogers..