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THE COMPETITION for the Renault STL car is still progressing well. The draw will be made at the Motor Fair at Earls Court on October 28 and the lucky winner will be published in the next issue of THE LIFEBOAT. Your response has been most encouraging, particularly because it has helped us to continue our upward growth despite the difficult times in which we live. The next peak to be scaled, 100,000 members, is now within our sights, but there is still a hard climb ahead. Only with your help can this magic figure be reached—and passed; we are confident that, as always, that help will be forthcoming.

Shoreline is just what it says: support from the shore for the lifeboat crews at sea. In effect, each Shoreline member reaches out a hand to the lifeboatman who is reaching out to grasp the hand in the water. And about 1,000 people are rescued from the sea each year because the lifeboatman is there to grasp that hand. Many people help the RNLI in many different ways, but the particular value of Shoreline's financial support is that, through subscription, it provides a regular and growing source of income on which the Institution can count when planning for the future.

As it was announced in the last journal, for the first time since the scheme was introduced in 1969, membership subscriptions will increase on November 1, 1981: the annual subscription for a member will rise from £3 to £5 and for family membership from £5 to £7.50. It was thought that the new rates would be generally regarded as reasonable. Here is the response of one member: 7 would say the changes are more than reasonable, they are very small. At present I am paying £3 under a deed of covenant— would you please release me from that contract and replace it with a new deed of covenant for £15 . . .' Welcome, to a new governor! Of course, if a subscription is covenanted, the income it brings to the lifeboat service is considerably increased without extra cost to the subscriber; we are only too pleased to send information about the way covenants work and how they can be entered into to those people who would like to make their help even more effective in this way.

Shoreline has only grown as it has because of the personal support of you, its members. It is your enthusiasm which has carried the day when friends, neighbours and relatives have been considering adding their weight to the line. We know that you will continue to give your own support and to encourage others to join you.

* * * Mrs Nora Neill has been collecting Green Shield stamps for Shoreline for some years. This year alone she has already sent us £650 raised in this way.

If anyone has odd stamps or books tucked away they would be a welcome boost to the campaign; so please send any you can spare to Mrs Neill, 95 Fitzroy Avenue, Harborne, Birmingham B17 8RG.

* * * While Shoreline is essentially an individual approach to lifeboat support, in six areas around the country Shoreline members have formed clubs so that people with mutual interest in the lifeboat service can meet together and enjoy each other's society. Regular club meetings are arranged and a list of the clubs is given below together with some notes about their activities and the name and address of each honorary secretary. New members are always made most welcome: Portsmouth, Shoreline Club No 1: Meets every fourth Wednesday in the month, except in July and August, at the Tudor Sailing Club, Eastern Road, Portsmouth. Information from Ray Doran, 5 The Close, Cosham. Tel.

Cosham 374300.

Southampton, Shoreline Club No 2: Meets every third Thursday in the month, at 8 pm, at the Golf Pavilion, Golf Course Road, Southampton. Information from John Davies, 88 Kingsway, Hiltingbury, Chandlers Ford, Hampshire. Future events include: October 15, talk, 'Flying with 609 Squadron'. November 19, talk, 'Royal Naval Reserve'. December 17, American supper and films. January 21, 1982, AGM and films.

Southend-on-Sea, Shoreline Club No. 3: Meets every second Wednesday in the month at T.E.A.C., 111 Eastern Esplanade, Southend-on-Sea. Information from Mr M. A. Holland, 83 Walsingham Road, Southend-on-Sea, Essex.

Tel. 0702 68794.

Milton Keynes, Shoreline Club No. 4: Meets every second Wednesday in the month at the Wolverton Park Sports Association Club House, directly behind Wolverton station. Information from Denis J. Horgan, 172 Bradwell Common Boulevard, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire. Tel. 0908 674900.

Leeds, Shoreline Club No. 5: Meets every first Tuesday in the month, at 7.45 pm, at the Victoria Hotel. Information from Ian Moses, Park House, Harehills Park, 92 Coldcotes Avenue, Harehills, Leeds, West Yorkshire. Tel. Leeds.


Basildon, Shoreline Club No. 6: Meets every second Thursday in the month, at 8 pm, at St Martin's Church Hall, Town Centre, Basildon. Information from the honorary treasurer, Mrs Searle, 16 Lampit Hill, Corringham, Essex. Tel.

Stanford-Le-Hope 74592.

* * * There are several commercial offers from which Shoreline members can benefit. We have special arrangements with the following three organisations: Fred Olsen Lines are offering four special holidays to our members and their families: 1. A week's holiday at the Hotel Preluna, Malta, from Sunday December 6 to Sunday December 13, 1981.

Price £177 per person.

2. A weekend coach tour of the Dutch bulb fields, April 1982. Price about £90 to £100 per person.

3. Two weeks tour of Canada, flying to Vancouver, June 1982. Price about £650 per person.

4. A week's cruise on the River Rhine in luxurious vessels. September and October 1982. Price £230 per person.

I can assure you, you will be given a very good time and the accommodation will be first class. If you are interested information can be obtained from Mr D. Cooper, Travel Time, 1 Hanover Street, London, W1R SAP. Tel. 01-408 1886.

Mercantile Credit offers special rates on all loans to our members. Information from Mercantile Credit Co., Ltd., PO Box No. 75, Elizabethan House, Great Queen Street, London, WC2B 5DP. Tel. 01-242 1234.

Aegis Insurance offers special rates and advice on all insurances to our members. Information from Aegis Insurance Group Ltd., Aegis House, Castle Hill, Maidenhead, Berkshire. Tel.

0628 23484.

Remember, if you support any of these enterprises you are not only getting a good deal yourself but the RNLI also benefits considerably.—PETER HOLNESS, membership secretary, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ.

To: The Director, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ.

I enclose subscription to join Shoreline as an: Name Address Over 106, Annual Member Annual Family Membership Annual Member and Governor Life member and Governor Send me details of how I can help with a £5.00 (minimum) D £7.50 (minimum) D £15.00 (minimum) D £150.00 (minimum) D - Legacy. D 500 people would have been lost without the lifeboat service..