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A Surf Board

Two calls A SURF BOARD sailor, sitting on his board trying without success to paddle back to shore against an offshore breeze was reported to the deputy launching authority of Ramsey lifeboat station by HM Coastguard at 1530 on Friday June 5.

The Coastguard had been unable to find a shore boat which could help.

Ramsey's 37ft Oakley James Ball Ritchie launched at 1544 under the command of Coxswain Lawrence Gawne and headed for the surf board, IVz miles south east of the station. It was a fine afternoon with a gentle to moderate south-westerly breeze and a slight sea.

The tide had been ebbing for an hour and a half. The man, by this time exhausted, was taken on board the lifeboat at 1556 and put ashore at Ramsey at 1604. He was taken 'home by the Coastguard..