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FROM THE TIME that the RNLI first introduced its membership scheme at the Boat Show in 1969, the subscription has remained unchanged at £3, but it has now been decided that an increase must be made. From November 1, therefore, for new members the minimum Shoreline subscription will be increased from £3 to £5, and family membership from £5 to £7.50. Although existing memberships will be honoured at the enrolled rate members will be invited to increase their subscriptions if possible and we will of course be grateful for their voluntary co-operation. In view of the inflation which has taken place during the past 12 years we are confident that these new rates will be regarded as reasonable.

We are very sorry that in the past few months there has been some delay in sending out membership cards and in acknowledging receipt of subscriptions.

The delay has been caused by the changeover from our existing external computer bureau to the 'super mini' computer which has now been installed at Poole HQ. When this new computer is in full operation it will hold RNLI records, including those for Shoreline, which up till now have been stored on various outside computer bureaux, and it will also help in a number of new ways; it will, therefore, go a long way towards helping to contain the Institution's growing volume of work and holding down administrative costs.

Please accept our apologies if you have experienced any inconvenience during this changeover period; the position is now improving and we hope that future delays will only be minimal.

To make possible further economies in administrative and postal costs, we shall soon be introducing a new membership card which will bring with it its own renewal notice. When this form arrives, you will find that it includes a portion which can be filled in by those wishing to covenant their subscriptions.

The spring issue of THE LIFEBOAT contained a full explanation of the advantages which can now be obtained by the RNLI from covenants at no extra cost to the subscriber, and in fact, as a result of covenants, the Institution received £100,000 in 1980.

This is a most valuable source of much needed extra revenue and I would urge any Shoreline members who have not already covenanted their subscriptions to consider doing so. We shall be only too happy to give any help needed.

A new edition of the Shoreline handbook is now available at Poole, price50p plus 20p postage. Stocks are limited, so anyone who would like a copy should apply as soon as possible.

* * * We have been delighted by your response to the Renault STL car competition, forms for which were sent out with the spring journal. You will remember that the name of every Shoreline member who enrols a new member on one of these special forms will automatically be entered in the competition. The draw will be made at the Motor Fair at Earls Court on October 28, 1981, so there is still plenty of time to take part. There is no limit to the number of entries each individual can send in, so the more new members you enrol, the more chances you will have. A supply of forms is available in Poole, and if you would like more sent to you, please let us know.

* * * A number of Shoreline members sailed on the spring cruise to Madeira and the Canaries for which Fred Olsen Lines made a special offer through the winter issue of THE LIFEBOAT—and a very good time they had, too; apart from the sea and the sunshine, there was such a happy atmosphere on board. Moreover, not only did Shoreline members receive a discount on their bookings, but the RNLI also benefited considerably from a percentage donation. Now we hear that five more 'winter break' holidays are to be offered to our members, two before Christmas and three early in 1982—so, watch these pages! * * * A fifth Shoreline club, in Leeds, has recently been formed, and any Shoreline member who would like to join will be made very welcome. Write to Bill Lyons, 69 Easterly Crescent, Leeds, LS8 25G.

Shoreline Club No. 1, at Portsmouth, meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month, except July and August, at Tudor Sailing Club, Eastern Road.

There is always an interesting speaker and subjects last winter ranged from water colour painting to solo transatlantic sailing. Details from Ray Doran, 5 The Close, Cosham (Tel: Cosham 374300).

By joining these Shoreline clubs, if there is one in your area, not only can you meet people of similar interests to yourselves and join in the social activities planned, but also you may well hear of opportunities to help local branches in their fund-raising efforts for the lifeboats.

There will, as usual, be a Shoreline section to the RNLI stand at Southampton Boat Show from September 14 to 19. If you are visiting the show, please come to see us.

Birmingham branch is holding its annual dinner dance at the Botanical Gardens, Edgbaston, on October 23, and once again extends a welcome to Shoreline members as well as all other lifeboat supporters. Information from RNLI West Midlands office, 16 Harborne Road, Birmingham B15 3 A A.

Another cordial invitation comes from Hoylake lifeboat station which is holding its open day on Bank Holiday Monday, August 31; Shoreline members will be most welcome.

PETER HOLNESS, membership secretary, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ.

To: The Director, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 I HZ.

1 enclose subscription to join Shoreline as a: Member *£3.00 (minimum) D Family Membership *£5.00 (minimum) D Member and Governor £15.00 (minimum) D Life member and Governor £150.00 (minimum) D ' Send me details of how 1 can help with a Legacy. D *niinimuin subscription if / be increased 1/11(81. see above.

Name _ Address Over 106,500 people would have been lost without the lifeboat service..