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Maritime Book Society (Readers Union)

MARITIME BOOK SOCIETY The No-Nonsense Book Service for Yachtsmen, Racing Enthusiasts and Boat Owners SAIL POWER Everything you need to know about sails: their design, selection, handling, repair, measuring, care and their optimum use in both pleasure sailing and racing, based on the author's experience as a sailor and head of a leading sailmaking firm.

Written in a clear style and illustrated with hundreds of photographs and drawings. Sail Power is an essential, standard work.

'Impressively sound and thorough' Yachting World 'A very full and well written book' Yachts & Yachting Published at £15.00 yours for only £2p&P as your introduction to the Maritime Book Society FREL if you join the Maritime Book Society now Published at £8.95 The Maritime Book Society is Britain's only specialised book club for serious" yachtsmen. When you need hard facts, sound professional advice, up-to-the-minute information — or would like to improve your performance.

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This outstanding book represents our consistent integrity, quality and sheer value for money. The introductory saving is exceptional, but the continuing high quality and value of the books we offer you throughout the year is unbeatable. Books, for example, like Coastal Navigation, The Channel Handbook, Sailing Small Boats in Heavy Weather, Race to Win, Cruising or Marine Electronic Navigation.

Books to use, read, refer to and take on board. All books are at least 25% off publishers' editions, and often much more, with unique arrangements to increase your savings to 35% or more on every book you buy.

When you join the Maritime Book Society, you receive free our bi-monthly newsletter with detailed information on the new books and special bargains, the cream of the new books on yachting and all subjects of related interest. An integral part of our service is that you do not have to buy a book a month. In fact, you will find membership thoroughly enjoyable, as you need only buy four books from a choice of hundreds in your first year of membership. The Maritime Book Society is run by sailing enthusiasts on the South coast, who take great pride in this innovatory and progressive service for today's yachtsman.

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this indispensable quick reference guide gives concise practical instructions and advice on every conceivable situation from Abandon Ship to Wood Repairs.

To: Maritime Book Society, PO Box 6, Newton Abbot, Devon. BFC I would like to join the Maritime Book Society and claim Sail Power at the special introductory price of £2.00 (plus 96p carriage) and Yachtsman's Emergency Handbook FREE. I agree to purchase at least 4 books (in addition to the introductory books) during a year's membership and may resign thereafter. If I am not satisfied with the introductory books, I may return them within 10 days and owe nothing.

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