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Guiding Hand

At 1233 on Tuesday November 18, a mayday was received by Dover Coastguard from the trawler Guiding Hand, on fire six miles north east of Ramsgate.

Her four crew were fighting the fire. A helicopter was scrambled from RAF Mansion, the Trinity House pilot boat Vedette, already at sea, and two other vessels, Marshlea and Sand Skua, made for the trawler to stand by and Ramsgate lifeboat, Ralph and Joy Swann launched at 1246 under the command of Coxswain Ronald Cannon.

The weather was fine with very good visibility, but a near gale, force 7, was blowing from west north west. It was four hours after high water and the sea was moderate.

By the time the lifeboat reached the casualty at 1317 her crew of four had been airlifted to Mansion, but Guiding Hand was ablaze in her engine room and wheelhouse and she was still under full irawling speed wilh her Irawl oul.

Four lifeboalmen, A. Bray, Dennis Cooper, Timolhy Hursl and William Davies, were pul on board lo fighl the fire and gel way off Ihe vessel, which was found lo be on a collision course wilh North Goodwin Lighlvessel.

While Crew Member Cooper hosed down Ihe wheelhouse, Crew Member Davies, a marine engineer, broke the window, reduced the revs and, although he could not stop the engine, took it out of gear. Crew MembersBray and Hurst, both ex-lrawlermen, cut and buoyed off the Irawl.

Then, wilh Ihe heal increasing, Coxswain Cannon took off the four lifeboalmen and, wilh Guiding Hand under long low, sel course for more shellered walers where further efforts 10 damp down Ihe fire on deck could be made and gas cylinders moved forward out of danger.

Meanwhile, Kent firemen had been called to Ramsgate East Pier. When it was safe lo do so, al 1515, the lifeboal towed Guiding Hand alongside the pier where Ihe Fire Brigade look over.

11 was half an hour before Ihe Irawler's engine could be stopped and il was after 2200 when Ihe fire was finally pul oul.

The lifeboal was back on her moorings and ready for service al 1605.

A letler signed by Cdr Bruce Cairns, chief of operalions, was senl to Caplain T. R. Phinn, Ramsgate station honorary secretary, expressing appreciation to all Ihe lifeboalmen who had taken part in these two services, and in particular, for the firsl service, lo Crew Member Michael Pell, and for Ihe second, to Crew Members A. Bray, Dennis Cooper, Timothy Hursl and William Davies..