Annual General Meeting from Page 196
Annual General Meeting from page 196 pients. Miss N. Robertson, were present to receive their awards: Honorary Life Governor Dr W. J. Guild, BSC pho A committee member of Edinburgh brunch since 1953 and a member of the Executive Committee of the Scottish Lifeboat Council since 1959. Dr Guild has been an active supporter since 1938, making films for the RNL1, giving lectures and undertaking research into the effects of hypothermia; he was given public relations awards in 1964 and 1979 and awarded the gold badge in 1971.
Mr W. F. G. Lord, QBE BL Vice-chairman of the Executive Committee of the Scottish Lifeboat Council since 1966. Mr Lord was honorary secretary and treasurer of Edinburgh branch from 1950 to 1964, continuing as honorary secretary until 1976, a member of the Committee of Management from 1971 to 1979 and Vice- Convener of the Executive Committee of the Scottish Lifeboat Council from 1975 to 1980; he was awarded the silver badge in 1961.
Bar to the Gold Badge Mrs T. C. Doweling A committee member of Great Yarmouth andGorleston ladies' guild from 1949 to 1954, assistant honorary secretary from 1954 to I960, honorary secretary from I960 to 1965 and chairman sinct 1965; awarded silver badge in 1968 and gold badge in 1976.
Mrs E. M. Valentine Vice-president of Gin-ait ladies' guild from 1958 to 1963 and president since 1963; awarded gold badge in 1966.
Mrs E. F. Lyell A founder member of Montrose ladies' guild in 1935, vice-president from 1952 to 1979 and honorarv secretarv from 1968 to 1979; awarded gold badge in 1964. Mrs Lyell has not missed a meeting of the guild in 25 years.
Mr T. Downing Assistant honorary secretarv of Barrow station branch from 1946 to 1949, honorary treasurer from 1947 to 1949 and honorary secretary since 1949; awarded binoculars in I960 and gold badge in 1976.
Gold Badge Mrs H. Booker Central London Committee member since 1950 and one of the team who organise London flag day depots; awarded silver badge in 1969.
Mrs C. H. C. Kiddle Honorary secretary of Eastleigh branch from 1945 to 1971 and president since 1971; awarded silver badge in 1965.Mrs R. D. Wood Honorary secretary of Caterham branch since 1957; awarded silver badge in 1968.
Mrs G. Mobbs A founder member of Chilterns branch in 1950, chairman from 1965 to 1970, vice-president from 1970 to 1971 and president since 1971; awarded silver badge in 1969 and Chairman's letter of thanks in 1970.
Mr H. J. Downing Joint honorary secretary of Stourbridge branch from 1953 to 1963, chairman from 1963 to 1980 and president since 1980; awarded statuette in 1973.
Mrs J. H. Briggs Honorary secretary of Scarborough ladies guild from 1951 to 1963, chairman from 1963 to 1980 and committee member since 1980; awarded silver badge in 1973. Among other work, Mrs Briggs has established two successful luncheon clubs.
Miss N. Robertson Honorary secretary of Lerwick ladies' guild since 1957; awarded statuette in 1968.
Mrs J. McDonald President of Stonehaven ladies' guild since 1957; awarded statuette in 1972.
Mrs I. I. Halliday Honorary secretary of Vale of Leven branch since 1955; awarded statuette in 1966.
Mrs J. Tyrrell Mrs Tyrrell has been totally involved with Arklow lifeboat station since 1951 and honorary secretary of the ladies' guild since 1972; awarded silver badge in 1967.
Mrs R. T. Kearon Chairman of Arklow ladies' guild since 1972 and has been concerned with organising and collecting in the area for longer than can he remembered; awarded silver badge in 1967.
Mrs S. J. Henry Chairman of Coleraine branch since 1950; awarded silver badge in 1962.
Mr J. C. Harrison Honorary secretary of Shoreham station branch since 1956; awarded binoculars in 1967.
Mr L. W. Noton Acting honorary secretary of Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, station branch from 1962 to 1963 and honorary secretary from 1963 to 1980; awarded binoculars in 1974. Mr Noton has been concerned with the station's fund raising as well as operational activities.
Col G. A. Jackson, QBE TD DL Honorary treasurer of Angle station branch since 1956; awarded silver badge in 1969. Col Jackson undertakes both operational and fund raising activities and organises the annual Angle regatta.
Miss I. Black President of Oban ladies' guild from 1966 to 1979; awarded statuette in 1973. Miss Black has worked for the guild both before and since her term of office.
Councillor J. M. D. Smith, MBE JP Honorarv secretarv of Montrose station branch since 1955; awarded binoculars in 1966. Councillor Smith has been a member of the committee for more than 40 vears and gives talks for the RNLI.
To conclude the business of the afternoon Captain T. A. C. Keay, a member of the Committee of Management, moved a hearty vote of thanks to Lt-Cdr Fetherston-Dilke, remembering the dedicated service to all mariners of the Coastguards.
The assembled company then made its way to the foyer to take tea before dispersing for another year.
Gig for sale Ramble branch has no further use for the four-oared gig in which, in 1980, members raised £1,500 by rowing across the Channel from Cherbourg.
Another good home is sought for her, and any donation to Hamble branch would be gratefully received. Telephone enquires to Colin Partridge, Hamble 2108.For your diary: AGM 1982 Tuesday May 11.