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Lena B

Propeller fouled LENA B, a 32ft beam trawler, 2'/2 miles south east of Hastings with her propeller fouled by a fishing net, was reported to the honorary secretary of Hastings lifeboat station by HM Coastguard at 0700 on Sunday October 12, 1980. Only one man was on board.

At first it was thought that a shoreboat might be able to help Lena B, but because of the low state of the tide, no shoreboat was available. So, at 0755, Hasting's 37ft Oakley lifeboat Fairlight was launched under the command of Coxswain John 'Joe' Martin.

It was a difficult low water launch, made very awkward because a second high-water bank of shingle had built up overnight, but Tractor Driver John Hamilton dealt with all the problems quietly and efficiently and the lifeboat was launched safely.

A fresh breeze, force 5, rising to strong breeze, force 6, was blowing from the north east with a slight to moderate sea. The morning was hazy, but visibility was improving.

Fairlight set course south east but Lena B was not in the reported position, nor could she be picked up on the lifeboat's radar (it was later learnt that her radar reflector was away' for repair). Dover Coastguard arranged for Lena B to make a long VHP transmission from which a fix was gained and the lifeboat intercepted the trawler 9.3 miles south of the station at 1005. Two lifeboatmen were put aboard the casualty which was taken in tow and berthed safely in Rye Harbour.

The lifeboat was rehoused and once again ready for service at 1430.

For this service a letter signed by Cdr Bruce Cairns, chief of operations, expressing the Institution's appreciation to Tractor Driver John G. Hamilton was sent to Mr J. J. Adams, Hastings station honorary secretary..