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Girl Christian and Minehead Angler

Escort LAND'S END COASTGUARD informed the honorary secretary of Padstow lifeboat station at 0150 on Thursday October 16, 1980, that the fishing vessel Girl Christian was reported to be in difficulties four miles north of Trevose Head.

Padstow's 48ft 6in Oakley lifeboat James and Catherine Macfarlane launched at 0218 under the command of Coxswain Trevor England.

It was an overcast night with steady rain and frequent heavy squalls. A fresh to strong breeze, force 5 to 6, was blowing from the north east and the sea was rough.

At 0240 it was learnt that Girl Christian, with two men on board, was in tow of another fishing vessel, Minehead Angler, with three on board. The two boats were heading south. The lifeboat came up with them at 0253 and a few minutes later reported that she would escort them to Newquay. The tow was making about three knots.

By 0330 the north-easterly wind was gusting to near gale, force 7, and just after 0400 there was a gale warning.

Half an hour later Girl Christian and Minehead Angler dropped anchor in the shelter of Porth Island to await the tide before entering Newquay. As both of the fishing boats were now suffering engine trouble and because of the deteriorating weather it was decided that the lifeboat should stand by until they had entered harbour; she, too, was anchored by 0500.

At 0717 the lifeboat weighed anchor and made for Newquay to see what conditions were like, but finding that seas were breaking heavily at the harbour entrance, she advised the fishing boats to remain at anchor. At 0808 the lifeboat entered Newquay and at 0840, with the sea quietening somewhat although there were still occasional breaking waves, it was agreed that the two fishing boats should weigh anchor and try to enter harbour. They would come in one at a time as Girl Christian had managed to get her engine going and Minehead Angler had engine trouble of her own; a shore crew would be standing by on the quay with ropes. If entry was not possible, the two fishing boats would make for ,the River Gannel.

Padstow lifeboat then left harbour and escorted in first Girl Christian and then Minehead Angler and by 0912 both were safely moored alongside the quay.

The lifeboat crew were given breakfast at Newquay and set out on the return passage to Padstow soon after1000. Reaching station, recovery was difficult, but James and Catherine Macfarlane was rehoused at 1230.

For this service a letter signed by Cdr Bruce Cairns, chief of operations, expressing appreciation to Coxswain Trevor England and his crew was sent to Lt Cdr J. W. Hamilton, Padstow station honorary secretary..