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The Fourteenth Collecting Box to Be Put Before the Public In the Chertsey Area: This One Is at the Leisure Centre Thorpe Park and Was Unveiled By Rnli Chairman the Duke of Atholl (I) In the Pres

The fourteenth collecting box to be put before the public in the Chertsey area: this one is at the leisure centre, Thorpe Park, and was unveiled by RNLI chairman, the Duke of Atholl (I.) in the presence of Terry Cat/iff, director of Leisure Sport, and Geoff Tollett (r.), chairman of Chertsey Addlestone and Ottershaw branch which last year raised over £1,000. In the background is the old Cramer lifeboat H. F. Bailey which is on permanent display at Thorpe Park.

photograph by courtesy of 'Surrey Herald'.

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