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The Duke of Kent President of the Institution Visited Stornoway Barra Island and Mallaig on Thursday October 2 Meeting Crew Members and Their Families As Well As Station Branch Officials And

The Duke of Kent, President of the Institution, visited Stornoway, Barra Island and Mallaig on Thursday October 2, meeting crew members and their families as well as station branch officials and committee members of fund-raising branches and guilds. He was originally to have visited these stations in June but was prevented from doing so when weather conditions grounded his helicopter. The Duke was met at Stornoway by the Duke of Atholl, chairman of the Institution, and is seen here, with Coxswain Malcolm Macdonald, embarking in Stornoway's 48ft 6in Solent lifeboat Hugh William Viscount Gough/or a sea trip. At Barra Island, where the Duke went out on exercise in the station's 52ft Barnett lifeboat R. A. Colby Cubbin No. 3, Sir Charles McGrigor, Convenor of the Scottish Lifeboat Council, was in attendance.

photograph by courtesy of 'Stornoway Gazette'.

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