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Mercantile Credit

Sailing loan interest rates reduced for Shoreline members Now, as a Shoreline member, you're in a privileged position when it comes to financing your sailing.

Shoreline Sailing Loans are available to members from Mercantile Credit at special interest rates below those charged on their standard marine loans. One of them can provide the cash you need to buy a boat, to refit, or even for major annual expenses like insurance. Then you can spread the cost over regular instalments and so sail on a budget.

Help the R.N.L.I. as you help yourself Shoreline Sailing Loans will provide a valuable source of revenue for the R. N.L.I., as well as saving you money. Each loan granted will provide a donation to the Institution, without the deduction of promotion, administration or other costs.

Non-members can apply for loans and join Shoreline simultaneously, and have their first year's membership paid for them. Mercantile Credit, will make a £5 donation to Shoreline for each advance made to non-members, entitling them to family membership for one year.

You can pick up a Shoreline Sailing Loan leaflet at your local branch of Mercantile Credit (see your telephone directory for the address). Written quotations are available on request from Mercantile Credit, (Shoreline Loans), FREEPOST, London WC2B 5XA. No stamp needed.

fi I Mercantile Credit Mercantile Credit Company Limited Head Office: Elizabethan House, Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5DP..