Havoc, Kermit and Guilding Star
Search in fog A MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC reported to Tynemouth Coastguard on Saturday June 14, 1980, that a ship's foghorn had been heard east of Berwick Lighthouse.
Berwick lifeboat station was informed at 1310 and five minutes later the station's Atlantic 21 rigid inflatable lifeboat was launched into dense fog.
Helmsman William Shearer was in command with Michael Ross, E. Dixon and Brian Cowan as crew.
Visibility was 50ft at best. There was a gentle to moderate breeze from the north east, force 3 to 4, and the sea was moderate. It was two hours after low water.
After searching and listening for about 15 minutes a quarter of a mile south east of the lighthouse, the Atlantic 21 was told by the Coastguard Land Rover that the ship's horn seemed to be louder north of Berwick. She put about and immediately came across two yachts, Echteen and Scotch Mist, which had been sounding their foghorns to warn other shipping of their presence but which were not in distress. They asked to be guided into harbour and a local fishing boat that was entering port escorted them in.
The yachtsmen had said that there were other boats in the area so the search was continued north of Berwick. At about 1350, after following the shore line, the Atlantic 21 came across a stranded, holed yacht, Havoc, and then heard her crew sounding a horn from nearby rocks. The lifeboat anchored and veered down, using one engine to inch her way towards the survivors. Then Crew Member Brian Cowan, a swimmer, went over the side to help the three men and one woman through the three to four foot swell andinto the lifeboat. They were taken back to Berwick and landed to a waiting ambulance.
Meanwhile, Berwick Coastguard and a naval ship fixed the position of the yacht Kermit and gave her a course to Berwick Pier, where she was picked up by the lifeboat with bearings from the warship and brought into harbour. The same procedure was followed for another yacht, Guilding Star, and she, too, was escorted safely into port.
For this service a letter of appreciation signed by Rear Admiral W. J.
Graham, director of the Institution, was sent to Helmsman William R.
Shearer, and Crew Members W.
Michael Ross, E. Dixon and Brian Cowan. A letter of thanks received from Havoc's owner was published in the last issue of THE LIFEBOAT..