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Some Ways of Raising Money

Last March Hayling Island station branched raised £1,008 with a ball Sinah Warren in aid of the Mountbatten of Burma appeal which was well supported by Islanders, by members of local sailing clubs and by members of neighbouring fund-raising branches; number of people unable to attend sent donations and local firms subscribed handsomely to the tombola table. Draw prizes included a holiday for two in Majorca given by Warner Holidays Ltd and a gallon bottle of brandy given by Martell.

Local model clubs and individual exhibitors displayed their work at Leytonstone branch's model and handicraft exhibition last May. The Pearly King and Queen and the Mayor and Mayoress of Waltham Forest were among the visitors, and the lucky programme draw prize was a 46in model kit of an ASR launch donated by Aero Kits of Essex.Mr and Mrs Bromilow of Harwood, Lancashire, wanted the lifeboats to benefit from their 25 years of marriage.

At their silver wedding anniversary party they put out two collecting boxes and asked that, instead of giving the customary presents, their guests should contribute to the RNLI. £58 was later given to Harwood branch.

The new Petts Wood branch invited three Sheerness crew members to their spring luncheon last May. The event made £300 for Sheerness station.

One penny to taste it, 10 pence to have the recipe. This is what was charged at the Glenkens ladies' guild 'Recipes—Taste and Buy' in June for which members prepared dishes in a very profitable culinary exchange.

Second dishes simply for display were sold at the end and £280 was made for the RNLI. Miss E. Tail of New Gallaway cannot have taken full advantage of this event as she managed to lose 1 '/2 stone in a sponsored slim to make £55 for the lifeboats.


all QueenBeverley Leclercq of Walmer, who works as a bench operator at Whispies shoe factory, Deal, is a quiet girl; nevertheless her workmates found it hard to believe that she could remain silent for a whole working day, nine hours. So they sponsored her to do so for a possible total of £32 to go to the RNLI. Beverley did not speak a word all day.

Star guest at a West Country folk evening presented by Chertsey, Addlestone and Ottershaw branch at Queen Mary Sailing Club, Ashford, was TV entertainer/folk singer Fred Wedlock, accompanied by ChrisNewman. Other artists who took part were folk singers John and Cathy Knowler of 'Nola' and John Spiers.

Tickets were £2.50 each, including hot Cornish pasties served during the interval, and a number of local firms contributed prizes for a bumper raffle.

A hilarious and happy evening raised £720 for the lifeboats.

After reading about the Mountbatten of Burma appeal in THE LIFEBOAT, 77-year-old Mrs Evelyn Gudgin of Hertford put her past experience of charity work into action and within five weeks had collected over £1,000; the final sum, £1,055, went to the national appeal as a gift from Hertford Town.

Although most of the fund raising was in Hertford, Mrs Gudgin received gifts from Wales, Norfolk and even from overseas.

Mary Hart, her son Andrew and his friends Andrew Hales, Lee Baskerville, Nicky Wilkins and Nicky Nodan, of Hull, support Humber lifeboat station by arranging coffee evenings; their last two efforts have totalled £66.

Every Friday morning for the past 25 years, Mr D. A. Boutle, a teacher at Beach Road County Primary School, Litherland, has organised a collection for the RNLI among the children, and in the school year just ended a record total of £106.70 has been achieved. A treasure island competition raised another £10 for Liverpool branch.

Mr Nutton of Primrose Valley collected £106.41'/2 on Filey's flag day, making a personal total of £380.01 in four years' collecting. In appreciation, Mr Nutton was invited to be the branch's guest on board Filey lifeboat at one Saturday exercise.Bernard Marsh of Croydon does not have a car, yet, single-handed, he has collected enough waste paper for recycling during the past five years to be able to donate a total of £525 to his local branch.

A sponsored walk by 8 to 11 year olds in aid of school funds and lifeboats brought in £1,100 for Fairchildes Junior School, New Addington. A cheque for £600 was presented to the RNLI.A building firm in Hull, Barratt Developments Ltd, erected a marquee for a luncheon to celebrate the opening of a new site in early July. Instead of letting it stand empty in the evening the firm offered its free use to Brough and District ladies' guild who put on a supper dance. All the catering for the three-course supper was done by committee members and, with the help of a raffle prize for a free trip to Rotterdam or Zeebrugge for two plus car donated by North Sea Ferries, the function made £620 for the Institution.

Littlehampton branch raised £338 with a film evening and ploughman's supper last November, and another £100 at a Christmas sale. During the sale, a collection at the door for the Mountbatten of Burma appeal raised £43.

Mr and Mrs Lepper of Wolverhampton celebrated their golden wedding recently, but asked their family and friends, instead of giving them presents, to pool their resources and make a donation to Flamborough lifeboat appeal; a cheque was sent for £160.

The ladies of Soroptomist International of Glasgow South Club are regular contributors to the RNLI; each year they give £50 from the takings of an annual coffee morning to Glasgow branch and they have also contributed £150 to Oban branch.

While steward at the Working Men's Club, Wooburn Green, Les Tomkins, a jovial Cornishman, managed to get £108 in the lifeboat collecting box in two years; then, as steward at the Royal British Legion Club at Flackwell Heath, he collected £244 in just over three years. In such high regard was he held at this club that after his recent sudden death a memorial, in place of flowers, was raised amounting to £250 for the RNLI.

In Torbay lifeboat week Brixham ladies' guild, backed up by their husbands and friends and by the lifeboat crew, raised £1,756. Paignton branch raised £1,192.22 and a further £2,141 from their annual fete on Paignton Green. During this week Torquay branch raised £1,390.

Councillor Michael Press, chairman of South Bedfordshire District Council, held a charity banquet and ball in aid of the RNLI in the Civic Hall, Dunstable, on April 18. It was attended by 502 people and a remarkable £1,310 was raised. A grand draw with prizes donated by local firms, a cabaret and dancing helped to make the event a huge success.

At Bourne End Carnival, Bourne End, Bucks, branch reproduced the graph showing lifeboat services and lives rescued over the last ten years from the RNLI annual report, but left out the figures for 1979; people were then asked to guess the correct figures for lOp a guess. From 270 entries the winner was Mrs E Holl. With the sale of souvenirs and produce, the branch raised £115.

Members of Sutton Coldfield ladies' guild, who get wonderful support from Shoreline members in the area, scarcely have time to draw breath between one fund raising function and another. In the past year they collectedover £1,800 during their flag week and with a nearly new shop, sponsored walks, strawberry tea and draw (which raised £800), coffee mornings and an autumn and Christmas function, they were kept extremely busy. Sutton Flower Club adopted the RNLI as its charity for the year and raised £600 for the Mountbatten of Burma appeal Delicious food, beautiful flowers on every table, a concert given by Ron Drew and Eleanor Atherton all contributed towards a very successful summer supper staged by the committee of Caterham branch and the ladies of Woldingham. It is an annual event and this year £336 was added to branch funds.

An evening at St Nons Hotel, St David's, which centred on counting the contents of a giant whisky bottle filled with coins for the RNLI resulted in £150 being raised. The crew of St David's lifeboat was responsible for raising much of this amount.

Lifeboat supporters in Northiam, Sussex, many of them Shoreline members, attended a coffee morning and sale in the village hall in May which realised a record £233.87 profit for Rye branch.

Form 3P of Dorchester Grammar School for Girls raised £160 for the RNLI by a sponsored spell during lessons and by a sponsored swim.

A donation of £100 was received by the RNLI from members of the Royal British Legion South Norwood and Woodside branch and of the Victory Club, South Norwood, in celebration of HM Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother's eightieth birthday.A sunny Sunday heralded the start of Dungeness lifeboat fete on a morning in July. More than 2,000 people attended and crowded around the many sideshows and competitions. A lifesaving demonstration was given by the helicopter crew from RAF Mansion. A grand draw raised £826.90 making a fine day's total of £2,709.26.

Bricknell Primary School raised more than £ 1,000 as a result of a sponsored walk in the summer, the money being divided equally between the RNLI, Leukaemia Research and the school funds; £365 was received for the lifeboats.

Swindon branch was helped by local Sea Cadets on its flag day, which made £1,536. The branch was also able to enrol new members to help with next year's collections.Children and parents of Mardale School, East Preston, raised £7.05 for the lifeboats during end-of-summerterm activities.

A crowd of 3,500 people saw a victim plucked to safety from rocks, a man being saved from his broken-down speedboat and more casualties being lifted from a lifeboat to a helicopter.

These were three of the demonstrations put on at Brixham on the spring bank holiday Monday by Torbay lifeboats and a Dartmouth Royal Naval College helicopter. A collection of £201.75 was made by the ladies' guild during the display. A souvenir stall at the boathouse made £85, while boxes in hotels and pubs that night in Brixham were found to be unusually heavy!.