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Maritime Book Society (Readers Union)

A Startling Compendium of Facts, Feats and Figures THE COUNTRY LIFE BOOK OF NAUTICAL TERMS UNDER SAIL An illustrated guide to the language of the great sailing ships and the men aboard them Fascinating, unusual, and always with a sound practical basis — this is what the Maritime Book Society is all about. Informal, authoritative and richly illustrated, covering terms both ancient and modern. The Country Life Book of Nautical Terms Under Sail is just one example of our superb range of top quality, specialist books.

Behind the romance and adventure of life under sail lies a great wealth of colourful, pithy phrases and special words incomprehensible to landsmen This superb work, expertly compiled and packed with illustrations, defines nearly 4,000 terms relating to sailing ships, their construction, launching and mooring, life on board them, and how they are handled, sailed and navigated There is no more vivid guide to the great age of sail.

when you join the Maritime Book Society CAN YOU IDENTIFY THESE? Cat's paw (weather: disturbance on a calm surface due to a passing light air; also, the wind itself) Off nippers — surge the messenger (the nippers holding the cable to the messenger are taken off and the messenger released) Self-mousing hook (hook with a mousing that allows easy hooking but prevents accidental slippage) Green sea (sea that sweeps over a vessel without breaking) • V "• 't ' ''/ .

/ / -tf * t - If you sail, build, buy, race or simply love boats — the Maritime Book Society is the unique source of valuable information that you need.

It's a selective and economical service made possible by the buying force of thousands of members, bringing you books packed with facts, superbly illustrated and attractively presented . . . sometimes even in waterproof bindingsl Books overflowing with adventure and drama . . . top quality products from the best maritime publishers. They are all at least 25% less than publishers' prices and regular optional benefits offer you the opportunity to save 35%, and even more, on every book you buy.

Every two months you will receive the Society's FREE attractively illustrated Bulletin detailing all the new titles. All we ask is that you take a minimum of four books during your first year of membership. There will be hundreds of highly desirable books to pick from . . . and the choice is always yours. Make the most of this outstanding offer today.

Maritime Book Society is run by Readers Union.

Brunei House, Newton Abbot. Reg in England No 843946 ART To: Maritime Book Society, PO Box 6, Newton Abbot. Devon. TQ12 2DW I would like to join the Maritime Book Society and claim The Country Life Book of Nautical Terms Under Sail for only £1 00 (plus 96p carriage) (Allow up to 21 days for delivery). I agree to purchase at least 4 books (in addition to the introductory books) during a year's membership and may resign thereafter If I am not satisfied with the book, I may return it within 10 days and owe nothing.

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