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Clare S, Northern Star, Fair Ladies and Press On

Caught out ON THE MORNING of Thursday January 31 a fleet of fishing boats sailed from Hartlepool in comparatively good weather which, however, deteriorated fast. Within an hour, a near gale, force 7, had blown up from the east north east accompanied by very heavy swell and sea.

At 0925 Tees Coastguard informed the honorary secretary of Hartlepool lifeboat station that several of the smaller fishing boats were in need of help off The Heugh Lighthouse. The crew were mustered and at 0940 the 47ftWatson relief lifeboat TGB on temporary duty at Hartlepool slipped her moorings and set out under the command of Coxswain Robert Maiden. It was low water.

Although the morning was overcast, visibility was good. After watching the coble Clare S into Hartlepool, TGB escorted the cobles Northern Star and Fair Ladies to the River Tees. She then returned to escort the coble Barbara Anne into harbour.

Some of the larger seine netters had also been escorting the smaller fishing boats, and when the lifeboat reached harbour she heard that one of these seine netters. Press On, was herself now in trouble five miles east north east of Hartlepool; her rudder was broken and jammed hard to port. The lifeboat immediately set out to sea again and rendezvoused with Press On, taking her in tow for the River Tees.

Twice the tow rope parted because of the length of the tow line and the inability of the casualty to steer, so Coxswain Maiden suggested that a tug should meet Press On at Tees Fairway.

A tug arrived at about 1600 and took over the tow up river while the lifeboat stood by until, an hour later, smoother water was reached. The lifeboat then returned to Hartlepool, arriving back at 1800. She was once more ready for service at 1830.

Following this service a letter signed by Rear Admiral W. J. Graham, director RNLI, expressing the Institution's appreciation to the crews of the seine netters for their help in escorting the smaller cobles, was sent to the secretary of Hartlepool Fishermen's Association..