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SHORELINE has been growing at a fantastic rate recently, thanks to your support.

First there was the competition announced in the winter issue of THE LIFEBOAT, the prize for which was a BMW Series 7 motor car generously given to us by BMW Car Company.

You will remember that the name of every Shoreline member who enrolled a new member on a special competition enrolment form was to be included in a draw for the car. In four months 2,578 new members were signed on, which in subscriptions to the Institution for one year alone was worth £12.055. A splendid result.The draw for the BMW car took place on Wednesday April 30, when Sir Alec Rose, our number one member, drew the lucky winner's name out of the drum: Squadron Leader P. L.

Whitaker of Wexham. Congratulations, Squadron Leader—we hope you have many years of happy motoring. Our commiserations to everyone else whose name was in the drum, but unfortunately we only had one car! But thank you for making the competition such a success.

We are very grateful, too. to all those members who have come along to the various exhibitions up and down the country this spring to help man Shoreline stands. At the Birmingham Boat and Leisure Show in February we enrolled 215 new members; at the Ideal Home Exhibition at Earls Court in March we enrolled 311; and over a sparkling long weekend at Whitsun we enrolled 62 new members at Brighton Boat Show, sited at the marina. There has also been a good response from the various boat shows held in Ireland.

May I remind any of you who are recruiting new members of the greatadvantage it is to the Institution if, when new members are enrolled, they sign Deeds of Covenant for their subscriptions? It means that, in addition to the basic subscription, the RNLI can claim tax relief on the amount subscribed at no extra cost to the member.

Up till now, the Deed of Covenant had to be for a seven year period, but following the last Budget, new Covenants for four years can now be accepted.

# * # Shoreline Club No. 2, at Southampton, is holding its first major event, a barbecue, at Farley Mount Country Park on September 19 and any Shoreline members who can attend will be most welcome. Tickets, price £1.50 each, are available from Mrs P. Rowe, 90 Buriton Road. Harestock, Winchester (Tel. Winchester 880612).

An invitation is also extended to Shoreline members, and indeed to branch and guild members, to the annual dinner and dance of Birmingham branch on Trafalgar Day, Tuesday October 21, at the Botanical Gardens, Edgbaston, Birmingham 15. Tickets, price £8 each, from RNLI West Midlands Office, 16 Harborne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham 15.

# * * The 37ft 6in Rother lifeboat RNLB Shoreline, stationed at Blyth, joined in the welcome given to David Scott Cowper, a Newcastle yachtsman, when he arrived back in his home waters last May after his record breaking circumnavigation in Ocean Bound.

Ocean Bound was first escorted part way up the River Tyne by Tynemouth lifeboat and later met and accompanied into Blyth by RNLB Shoreline. At a reception given for David Scott Cowper by the Royal Northumberland Yacht, Don Kent, chairman of Blyth station branch, presented a Shoreline tie and flag to the world yachtsman.

You will remember that it was the Royal Northumberland YC which, at the time of Blyth lifeboat's naming ceremony, handed to the RNLI Shoreline membership to the value of £1,000.

It but remains to wish you all a very happy summer.—PETER HOLNESS, membership secretary, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 I HZ.To; The Director, RNLI. West Quay Road. Poole. Dorset BH15 1H/.

I enclose subscription to join Shoreline as a: Member Family Membership Member and Governor Life member and Governor Send me details of how 1 can N;imp Address Over 105,000 people would have been £3.00 (minimum) _ £5.00 (minimum) 1_ £15.00 (minimum) _ £150.00 (minimum) _ help with a Legacy. ~ lost without the lifeboat service.How you can help the lifeboatmen SUPPORT your local branch or guild JOIN Shoreline, the membership scheme HELP on flag days BUY RNLI gifts and souvenirs SEND RNLI Christmas cards SELL lottery tickets GIVE a coffee morning COLLECT used stamps or foreign coins For further information write to: APPEALS SECRETARY. ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. WEST QUAY ROAD, POOLE.


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